LADCP current data collected during RRS Discovery cruise DY081
This data release includes Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profile data collected during a 2017 (June - August) research expedition onboard the RRS Discovery, DY081, in the... -
Terrain Point Cloud data of a Deep-Sea Cliff offshore Greenland and the Assoc...
Terrain data retrieved with a forward-looking sonar (Reson7125) the ROV Isis (NOC, UK) used to map a deep-sea wall located offshore the West coast of Greenland (Labrador Sea,... -
ICY-LAB DY081 Autonomous ocean glider data off Southwest Greenland
Two Slocum gliders (units 331 and 439) were deployed during RRS Discovery expedition DY081 on July 17th 2017 at 62.9°N, 52.6°W, approximately 40 km off the Greenland shelf... -
Core incubation macronutrient data from Greenland margin and the Labrador Sea
The dataset contains core incubation macronutrient (nitrate+nitrite, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate) concentration measurements, obtained from seven sediment cores collected from... -
Pore water macronutrient data from Greenland margin and the Labrador Sea
The dataset contains pore water macronutrient (nitrate+nitrite, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate) concentration measurements, obtained from seven sediment cores collected from the... -
Stable silicon isotope composition of deep sea sponges collected during cruis...
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Seawater silicon isotopic composition collection during cruises DY081 and HUD...
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North Atlantic EM-122 multibeam swath bathymetry collected during RRS Discove...
This data release includes 56,432 square kilometers of multibeam swath bathymetry collected during a 2017 (June - August) research expedition onboard the RRS Discovery, DY081,... -
High-Resolution Vertical Terrain of a Deep-Sea Cliff offshore Greenland and t...
We used a multibeam echosounder (Reson7125) front-mounted onto the ROV Isis (Dive D333, DY081 expedition) to map the terrain of a vertical feature marking the edge of a deep-sea... -
Abundance of epibenthic fauna on a Deep-Sea Cliff offshore Greenland and the ...
Abundance data of the epibenthic fauna annotated on each photograph taken with the ROV Isis (NOC, UK) at a deep-sea wall located offshore the West coast of Greenland (Labrador... -
North Atlantic seawater bottle data collected from CTD during RRS Discovery c...
Please note: on 2019-07-10 it was noted, that the lat/long of CTD15 was wrong (same lat/long as CTD16). This was corrected to lat: 63.51954, long: -52.356271. Parameter Nitrate... -
North Atlantic seawater bottle data collected from ROV during RRS Discovery c...
Please note: Parameter Nitrate was changed to "Nitrate and Nitrite" on 2019-07-12. -
North Atlantic seawater bottle data collected from Tow fish during RRS Discov...
Please note: Parameter Nitrate was changed to "Nitrate and Nitrite" on 2019-07-12. -
North Atlantic seawater bottle data collected from CTD during RRS Discovery c...
Biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and marine primary productivity off the Greenland coast are subject to significant changes due to climate warming and accelerated melting of... -
U and Th of sediment core DY081_GVY01
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Thorium excess of sediment core DY081_GVY01
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Magnetic susceptibility measurement of sediment core DY081_GVY01
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Neogloboquadrina pachyderma abundances in sediment core DY081_GVY01
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Mass and IRD accumulation rates of sediment core DY081_GVY01
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IRD of sediment core DY081_GVY01
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