Water chemical data from Amazonas lakes, Brazil - rainy and dry seasons 2021 ...
Water (physico)chemical and sediment chemical data from shallow tropical lakes and some piscicultures are available. In 5 subsequent field campaigns in both dry (3x) and rainy... -
Major and trace elements during laboratory incubation experiments on natural ...
Enhanced mineral dissolution in the benthic environment is currently discussed as a potential technique for ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) to reduce atmospheric CO2 levels.... -
Salt- corrected chemical compounds, elemental concentrations and Ni isotope d...
The reactivity and isotope fractionation of Ni is strongly influenced by biological and redox-related processes in the ocean, giving the isotope system (expressed as δ60 Ni)... -
Bottom Water (collected with the benthic trace profiler (BTP)) geochemical an...
The reactivity and isotope fractionation of Ni is strongly influenced by biological and redox-related processes in the ocean, giving the isotope system (expressed as δ60 Ni)... -
Porewater geochemical and Ni isotope data for sediment cores collected during...
The reactivity and isotope fractionation of Ni is strongly influenced by biological and redox-related processes in the ocean, giving the isotope system (expressed as δ60 Ni)... -
Bulk parameters during incubation of sediment core 322-C0012
This data set shows the release of dissolved organic matter, hydrogen, hydrogenase, and inorganic ions (manganese, iron, total sulfur, and ammonium) at temperatures of 20°C (in... -
Weathering indicators according to earthworm presence and survival in an arti...
The dataset consists of measurements of weathering indicators according to earthworm presence and survival. Data was collected within the BAM! project (Bio-Accelerated Mineral... -
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) based Calcium, Strontium, Zircon, Barium records of ...
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X-ray fluorescence (XRF) based Aluminium, Silica, Potassium, Calcium, Titaniu...
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X-ray fluorescence data for the Mossy Grove sediment core
Elemental composition of the sediment core was determined using two XRF techniques. 2,098 samples on the original core section were directly analyzed at a resolution of ~1.2 cm... -
Solid-phase data and isotopic composition of sequentially extracted iron pool...
Total acid digestion: Dissolution of dry sediment in a mixture of 65% HNO3 (3 ml), 30% HCl (2 ml), and 40% suprapur® HF (0.5 ml) in a CEM Mars Xpress microwave system. Elemental... -
NH4Cl-leaching results of marine sediment cores from the Mediterranean Sea (D...
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HCl-leaching results of marine sediment cores from the Mediterranean Sea (Dat...
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Bulk sediment records of marine sediment cores from the Mediterranean Sea (Da...
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X-ray fluorescence (XRF) element counts of IODP Site 342-U1408
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Beryllium isotopes composition of layers from the bottom side of Mn nodule SO...
Attempts have been made to study the entire growth history of a manganese nodule from the northern part of Peru Basin in the Pacific using radiochemical profiles of 230Th232Th,... -
Beryllium isotopes composition of layers from the top side of Mn nodule SO11_...
Attempts have been made to study the entire growth history of a manganese nodule from the northern part of Peru Basin in the Pacific using radiochemical profiles of 230Th232Th,... -
Major and trace element analysis from the Cenomanian-Turonian at IODP Site 34...
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Pore-water and solid-phase chemistry of sediment cores from the Black Sea
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XRF scanner data of sediment cores TG-03, Ona Basin, southwestern Scotia Sea ...
During expedition SCAN 2013, gravity core TG-03 was collected in the Ona High slope, central Ona Basin, NE prolongation of the Antarctic Peninsula. The core is 295 cm long and...