Experimental Kelp PAM measurements of Arctic kelp communites for simulated ma...
Further descriptions: ID is tag number assigned to each individual * Sample type refers to the day of the experiment with T0 being prior to experiment start and TF being the... -
Experimental Coralline PAM measurements from Arctic kelp communites of simul...
Further descriptions: Sampling refers to the day of the experiment with T0 being prior to experiment start and TF being the final day exp1 is experimental sample timepoint 1... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth and photosynthesis of a Great Barrier...
This study examined the individual and interactive impacts of global and local stressors by investigating the effects of increased seawater pCO2, elevated nutrient... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and photosynthesis and calcification of crustose...
Here, we examine the effects of future seawater conditions (OW and OA) on the calcification and photosynthetic efficiency of two CCA species, Hydrolithon boergesenii and... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and effects of ocean acidification and rising se...
The seawater parameters oceanic pH and temperature were modified to near future projections for the western Antarctic Peninsula in microcosm experiments. Experiments included... -
Laboratory experiments of nitrate uptake kinetic of the green tide reference...
The seasonal proliferations of green seaweeds under the morphological blade-type Ulva have been observed on Brittany coasts since the late 60s-early 70s. These so-called green... -
Pulse amplitude-modulated (PAM) fluorescence in Laminaria solidungula and Sac...
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Impact of climate change on the kelp Laminaria digitata: Biochemical and phys...
Global warming affects the Arctic much faster than the rest of the globe, with the highest amplitude of temperature rise occurring during the Polar Night. To determine the... -
The significance of seasonal light and temperature interaction for the latitu...
Due to the global rise in temperature, recent studies predict species shifts towards higher latitudes. The temperate kelp Laminaria hyperborea (Phaeophyceae) is an abundant... -
Hyposalinity maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) experiments cond...
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation... -
Nutrient enrichment maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) experimen...
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation... -
Impacts of combined temperature and salinity stress on the endemic Arctic bro...
Macroalgae such as kelp are important ecosystem engineers in the Polar Regions and potentially affected by freshening and ocean warming. The endemic Arctic kelp Laminaria... -
Maximum quantum yield measured in Laminaria hyperborea off the island of Helg...
Laminaria hyperborea off the island of Helgoland (North Sea, Germany) was sampled along a depth gradient (0.5, 2, 4, 6 m) throughout summer 2014. Discs were cut from three... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and coccolithophores and diatoms resilient to oc...
Here, we investigatethe impacts of moderate (~700 μmol/kg) and high (~2700 μmol/kg) limestone-inspired alkalinity additionson two biogeochemically and ecologically important... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth and photophysiology of two tropical r...
Focusing on algal taxa from two different functional groups on Caribbean coral reefs, we exposed fleshy (Dictyota spp.) and calcifying (Halimeda tuna) macroalgae to ambient and... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and survival, growth rate, zooxanthellae density...
Tropical coral reefs are threatened by local-scale stressors that are exacerbated by global ocean warming and acidification from the post-industrial increase of atmospheric CO2... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and specific growth rate, respiration rate, net ...
Experimentally elevated pCO2 and the associated pH drop are known to differentially affect many aspects of the physiology of diatoms under different environmental conditions or... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and combined responses of primary coral polyps a...
With coral reefs declining globally, resilience of these ecosystems hinges on successful coral recruitment. However, knowledge of the acclimatory and/or adaptive potential in... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and proportion of transcriptome changing, coral ...
The integrity of coral reefs worldwide is jeopardized by ocean acidification (OA). Most studies conducted so far have focused on the vulnerability to OA of corals inhabiting... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and maximum quantum yield and relative electron ...
Increased anthropogenic CO2 emissions are causing changes to oceanic pH and CO2 concentrations that will impact many marine organisms, including microalgae. Phytoplankton taxa...