Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T5 Clinical Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T6 Population Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T4 Clinical Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
TRAILS T5 Clinical cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
TRAILS T4 Clinical cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 1002
Na de dienstplicht van geïnterviewde, werd hij beroeps bepaalde tijd. Op uitzending gaan trok hem wel, om het een keer mee te maken. In totaal werd hij drie keer naar Bosnië... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 611
Na haar diplomering ging deze verpleegster werken bij de Koninklijke Landmacht, als tweede luitenant in het neurose-centrum voor militairen. Hier werden twee verpleegsters... -
Statistik der pauschalierenden Entgelte für Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik (PE...
Zusätzlich zur DRG-Statistik werden in der erstmals 2018 eingeführten PEPP-Statistik alle Behandlungen in psychiatrischen und psycho¬somatischen Krankenhäusern nach § 17d Abs. 1... -
Statistik der pauschalierenden Entgelte für Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik (PE...
Zusätzlich zur DRG-Statistik werden in der erstmals 2018 eingeführten PEPP-Statistik alle Behandlungen in psychiatrischen und psycho¬somatischen Krankenhäusern nach § 17d Abs. 1... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T2 Clinical Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T1 (Baseline) Popula...
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T1 (Baseline) Clinic...
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T4 Population Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Sociale impact van fysieke afstand op kwetsbare populaties tijdens COVID-19 (...
Deze dataset is gecollecteerd in het kader van het ZonMw gefinancierde project “Sociale impact van fysieke afstand op kwetsbare populaties tijdens COVID-19” in 2020... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T2 Population cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T3 Clinical Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T5 Population Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey ( TRAILS ) T3 Population Cohort
The overall objective of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the determinants of adolescents’ mental (ill-)health and social development during adolescence and... -
Statistik der pauschalierenden Entgelte für Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik (PE...
Zusätzlich zur DRG-Statistik werden in der erstmals 2018 eingeführten PEPP-Statistik alle Behandlungen in psychiatrischen und psycho¬somatischen Krankenhäusern nach § 17d Abs. 1... -
Statistik der pauschalierenden Entgelte für Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik (PE...
Zusätzlich zur DRG-Statistik werden in der erstmals 2018 eingeführten PEPP-Statistik alle Behandlungen in psychiatrischen und psycho¬somatischen Krankenhäusern nach § 17d Abs. 1...