55 datasets found

Keywords: Radio galaxies

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  • VSOP 5 GHz AGN Survey

    The VSOP mission is a Japanese-led project to image radio sources with sub-milliarcsec resolution by correlating the signal from the orbiting 8-m telescope, HALCA, with a global...
  • The FAST all sky H I survey (FASHI)

    The FAST All Sky HI survey (FASHI) was designed to cover the entire sky observable by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), spanning approximately...
  • Giant Radio Galaxies in RACS

    We report the results of a visual inspection of images of the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) in search of extended radio galaxies (ERG) that reach or exceed linear sizes on...
  • The complete Arecibo Ultra-Deep Survey

    The Arecibo Ultra-Deep Survey (AUDS) is a blind HI survey aimed at detecting galaxies beyond the local Universe in the 21-cm emission line of neutral hydrogen (HI). The Arecibo...
  • RATAN-600 flux densities of 123 blazars

    We study the correlation between gamma-ray and radio band radiation for 123 blazars, using the Fermi-LAT first source catalog (1FGL) and the RATAN-600 data obtained at the same...
  • VLA 352MHz image of the Bootes field. I.

    We present a 324.5MHz image of the NOAO Bootes field that was made using Very Large Array (VLA) P-band observations. The image has a resolution of 5.6"x5.1", a radius of 2.05...
  • IR photometry of nearby RLGs

    By combining the data of the Two Micron All Sky Survey, the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer and the AKARI satellite, we study the infrared colour properties of a sample of...
  • Radio-AGN feedback for 0.5<z<1

    This paper presents the first measurement of the radio luminosity function of 'jet-mode' (radiatively inefficient) radio-AGN out to z=1, in order to investigate the cosmic...
  • PACO spectrally selected sample

    The Planck Australia Telescope Compact Array (Planck-ATCA) Co-eval Observations (PACO) have provided multi-frequency (5-40GHz) flux density measurements of complete samples of...
  • Distant radio galaxies in southern hemisphere

    We have compiled a sample of 234 ultra-steep-spectrum (USS) selected radio sources in order to find high-redshift radio galaxies. The sample covers the declination range...
  • H_2_/HI ratio in galaxies

    We revisit the mass ratio {eta}galaxy between molecular hydrogen (H2) and atomic hydrogen (HI) in different galaxies from a phenomenological and theoretical viewpoint. Cone...
  • GMRT radios sources around J0916+6348 field

    We present deep multifrequency observations using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 153, 244, 610 and 1260MHz of a field centred on J0916+6348, to search for...
  • Radio Survey of 7 X-ray Clusters of Galaxies

    The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) has been used at 1.38 and 2.38GHz to survey seven southern Abell clusters of galaxies with high X-ray luminosities: A2746, A2837,...
  • Texas-Oxford NVSS (TONS) radio galaxies

    We present a clustering analysis of the Texas-Oxford NVSS Structure (TONS) radio galaxy redshift survey. This complete flux-limited survey consists of 268 radio galaxies with...
  • Rmag surface brightness of HIDEEP galaxies

    Minchin et al. (2004, Cat. ) have recently placed limits on the cosmological significance of gas-rich low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies as a proportion of the total...
  • Southern Extragalactic Radio Sources

    This catalog contains a list of 384 extragalactic radio sources south of declination -30{deg} which have been imaged with the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST) at...
  • 1.49 GHz atlas of the IRAS bright galaxies

    This catalog contains 1.49 GHz VLA observations of sources from the IRAS Bright Galaxy Sample. The original IRAS Bright Galaxy Sample (Soifer et al., 1987ApJ...320..238S)...
  • 1.49GHz Atlas of Spiral Galaxies

    The VLA has been used in its most compact D- and C/D-configurations to make low-resolution ({theta}~0.9FWHM) 1.49GHz maps of the spiral galaxies north of DE=-45{deg} and...
  • 2380 MHz survey of bright galaxies

    A 2380MHz survey of bright galaxies in the declination range from zero to +37{deg} has been made at Arecibo. It is complete to a photographic magnitude of +14.5mag in all right...
  • Edge-on HI-rich LSB galaxies from ALFALFA

    Low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) are defined as galaxies that are fainter than dark night sky and are important for studying our universe. Particularly, edge-on galaxies...
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