Pollen records from Lake Satagay, Yakutia, Russia
These datasets of sediment core EN18224-4 from Lake Satagay (63°04'40.8N 117°59'52.8E), Central Yakutia, Russia, comprise the following data: (I) Radiocarbon age dating results... -
Pollen record of the Sobo-Sise Yedoma cliff (eastern Lena Delta)
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Pollen profile data from polygon cores in the Siberian Arctic
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Pollen profile of sediment core L14-05
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Pollen profile of sediment hand-pieces L14-04C
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Pollen profile of sediment core L14-04
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Pollen profile of sediment core L14-03
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Pollen profile of sediment core L14-02
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(Table 4) Pollen profile of sediment core PG2100
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Modern pollen assemblages from Yakutia, Russia
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Pollen profile of sediment core PG1857-5
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Pollen profile of sediment core PG1857-2
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Pollen profile of sediment core PG1856-3
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Pollen spectra of ICDP site 5011-1 from Lake Elgygytgyn, NE Russia
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(Table 3) Results of the pollen analysis of the PG1755 core from Lake Billyak...
Elevation of Lake Billyakh: 340 m a.s.l., this is an updated dataset of doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.729891 -
Pollen record of profile L11
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Pollen record of profile 3TZ5
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Pollen record of profile 3TZ2
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Pollen record of profile 3TZ1
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Pollen record of profile 3TZ
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