Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter from the East Gr...
Water samples were taken during East Greenland expedition PS107 with RV Polarstern from 24 July to 18 August 2017. Water samples were collected from the ship's seawater supply... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter from the East Gr...
Water samples were taken during East Greenland Sea expedition PS107 with RV Polarstern from 26 July to 14 August 2017. Water samples were collected from CTD Niskin bottles at... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter from the East Gr...
Water samples were taken during the Fram Strait expedition PS99.2 with RV Polarstern from 14 to 23 Jun 2016. Water samples were collected from the ship's seawater supply pumped... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter from the East Gr...
Water samples were taken during the Fram Strait expedition PS99.2 with RV Polarstern from 14 to 23 Jun 2016. Water samples were collected from the ship's seawater supply pumped... -
Remote sensing reflectance measured at discrete underwater profile stations i...
We present a data set on remote sensing reflectance (RRS) at 1nm resolution from 350 to 800nm obtained from measurements in the North Sea and Sogne Fjord from 30 April to 7 May... -
Phytoplankton pigment concentrations during POLARSTERN cruise PS121 from Nort...
Phytoplankton pigments were determined in the water column of a transect from the North Sea to Fram Strait during RV Polarstern expedition PS121 from 11 Aug to 10 Sep 2019.... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter from North Sea t...
Water samples were taken during North Sea to Fram Strait expedition PS99.1 with RV Polarstern from 14 to 23 Jun 2016. Water samples were collected from the ship's seawater... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter from North Sea t...
Water samples were taken during North Sea to Fram Strait expedition PS99.1 with RV Polarstern from 14 to 23 Jun 2016. Water samples were collected from CTD Niskin bottles at... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) from Nort...
Water samples were taken during North Sea to Fram Strait expedition PS121 with RV Polarstern from 11 Aug to 10 Sep 2019. Water samples were collected from the ship's seawater... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) from Nort...
Water samples were taken during North Sea to Fram Strait expedition PS121 with RV Polarstern from 11 Aug to 10 Sep 2019. Water samples were collected from CTD Niskin bottles at... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter across the Atlan...
Water samples were taken during the transatlantic (10 May to 9 June 2018) expedition PS113 with RV Polarstern. Water samples were collected from the ship's seawater supply... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter across the Atlan...
Water samples were taken during the transatlantic (10 May to 9 June 2018) expedition PS113 with RV Polarstern. Water samples were collected from CTD Niskin bottles at six... -
Spectrophotometric measurements of absorption coefficients by non-algal parti...
Water samples were taken during North Sea to Fram Strait expedition PS121 with RV Polarstern from 11 Aug to 10 Sep 2019. Water samples were collected from CTD Niskin bottles at... -
Spectrophotometric measurements of absorption coefficients by phytoplankton d...
Water samples were taken during North Sea to Fram Strait expedition PS121 with RV Polarstern from 11 Aug to 10 Sep 2019. Water samples were collected from CTD Niskin bottles at... -
Spectrophotometric measurements of absorption coefficients by non-algal parti...
Water samples were taken during the transatlantic (10 May to 9 June 2018) expedition PS113 with RV Polarstern. Water samples were collected from CTD Niskin bottles at six... -
Spectrophotometric measurements of absorption coefficients by phytoplankton d...
Water samples were taken during the transatlantic (10 May to 9 June 2018) expedition PS113 with RV Polarstern. Water samples were collected from CTD Niskin bottles at six... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter across the South...
Water samples were taken during the Southern Atlantic expedition PS103 with RV Polarstern from 17 Dec 2016 to 28 Jan 2017. Water samples were collected from the ship's seawater... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter across the South...
Water samples were taken during the Southern Atlantic expedition PS103 with RV Polarstern from 17 Dec 2016 to 28 Jan 2017. Water samples were collected from CTD Niskin bottles... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter obtained underwa...
Water samples were taken during the spring (29 April to 7 May 2016) expedition HE462 with RV Heincke in the North Sea and Sogne Fjord. Water samples were collected from the... -
Absorption coefficients by coloured dissolved organic matter obtained at fixe...
Water samples were taken during the spring (29 April to 7 May 2016) expedition HE462 with RV Heincke in the North Sea and Sogne Fjord. Water samples were collected from CTD...