Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE651
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE650
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE649
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE648
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE647
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE645
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE644
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE643
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE642
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE641
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE640
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE639
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE638
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE637
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE636
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE635
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE634
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
May-June 2023 California Current Thermosalinograph Data
Oceanographic properties were measured during the Phytoplankton UPwelling response CYCLE (PUPCYCLE) II expedition May 27-June 12, 2023 during a transit between Newport, OR and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE633
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV MARIA S. MERIAN cruise tra...
Underway temperature and salinity data was collected along the cruise track with two autonomous measurement systems. Usually, the systems are changed after 12 hours. While...