Stable isotope ratios of hydrothermal fauna collected during the BICOSE cruis...
During the 2014 BICOSE cruise of RV Pourquoi Pas ? (Cambon-Bonavita 2014, https://doi.org/10.17600/14000100), biomass-dominant fauna was sampled in two deep-sea hydrothermal... -
Inventaire des gisements sauvages de l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas des cô...
La distribution géographique des principaux gisements sauvages de l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) des côtes des Pertuis Charentais a été dressée de 2010 à... -
Inventaire des bancs d’hermelles Sabelaria alveolata des côtes des Pertuis Ch...
La distribution géographique des principaux bancs d’hermelles Sabellaria alveolata (Linné, 1767) des côtes des Pertuis Charentais a été dressée de 2010 à 2012. L’inventaire... -
Inorganic ion and metabolite concentrations in tissue of marine invertebrates...
Laboratory experiments were conducted in the climate chambers at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the time between March and November 2018. Experiments were... -
Inorganic ion concentrations in bodyfluids of marine invertebrates exposed to...
Laboratory experiments were conducted in the climate chambers at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the time between March and November 2018. Experiments were... -
Survival, growth and water content of marine invertebrates exposed to low sal...
Laboratory experiments were conducted in the climate chambers at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the time between March and November 2018. Experiments were... -
High habitat-specificity in fungal communities of an oligo-mesotrophic, tempe...
Freshwater fungi are a poorly studied paraphyletic group that include a high diversity of phyla. Most studies of aquatic fungal diversity have focussed on single habitats, thus... -
Scenery photos without the frame (1979)
Contains photographs documenting under-water scenery and fauna across Svalbard. The data base contains photographs documenting under-water scenery and fauna across Svalbard and... -
Polychaete taxocenes in the Pevek Strait (Chaun Bay) and the Long Strait, Chu...
In spite of similar abiotic conditions in the Long Strait and Chaun Bay, the polychaete taxocenes differ markedly. In some cases biomass, production, and assimilation of... -
The hydropolyp fauna of the Red Sea area
46 hydropolyp species of 28 genera and 10 families were sampled during the "Meteor" passage 1964/65 (IIOE) through the Red Sea and its northern and southern exits and on the... -
Current meter data at station ACM1_300 (CMDB code rcm02947)
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Current meter data at station ACM1_299 (CMDB code rcm02938)
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Current meter data at station ACM1_298 (CMDB code rcm02929)
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Current meter data at station ACM1_297 (CMDB code rcm02920)
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(Table 2) Species composition of polychaetes at stations in the Pevek and Lon...
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(Table 1) Sediment types and polychaete taxocenes in the Pevek and Long Strai...
This dataset has no description
Lithistids from the Seamounts of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean
Supplementary Material 1: List of specimens analysed in this study with detailed information of the stations in which they were sampled. All specimens are deposited in the MNHN... -
Scenery photos without the frame (1985)
Contains photographs documenting under-water scenery and fauna across Svalbard. The data base contains photographs documenting under-water scenery and fauna across Svalbard and... -
Mesta River 2012
Data were collected at different type specific sites situated at upper, middle and low part of the Mesta River. Physicochemical data (oxygen concentration, water temperature,...