Splice composition of ODP Site 154-927, 110.43 mcd to 119.79 mcd interval, Ce...
Splice composition of the Leg 154 Site 927, adjusted for this study from Wilkens et al. (2017, DOI: 10.5194/cp-13-779-2017). The previously published splice composition: spliced... -
(Table 1) Biostratigraphic datum levels at ODP Hole 171-1052A compared with e...
Sediment depth is given in mcd. Calibration of equatorial Pacific radiolarian evens by Nigrini et al. (2005). -
(Table T1) Magnetostratigraphic age-depth tie points for ODP Site 208-1262
Depth, sediment is given as mbsf. -
(Table S7) Magnetostratigraphy of Site 208-1262
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X-ray fluorescence scannings of a composite sediment core from Laguna Vogt, c...
A 3 m-long sediment composite record was retrieved from Laguna Vogt (46.74º S, central west Patagonia) using a UWITEC gravity corer (for the uppermost 70 cm depth) and a... -
(Table 3) Definition of 14C plateaus for the Lake Suigetsu record
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(Table 1) Nominal depths and thickness of turbidite layers in ODP Hole 159-958A
Shore-base Party, unpubl. data -
(Table 2) Age model control points, and CaCO3 and TOC accumulation rates of O...
Recent modeling studies call on increased ocean heat transport to explain high-latitude warming observed for intervals throughout the middle Pliocene. Possible vehicles for... -
Ice rafted debris of IODP Site 341-U1421
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Magnetic susceptibility scanning of a composite sediment core from Laguna Vog...
A 3 m-long sediment composite record was retrieved from Laguna Vogt (46.74º S, central west Patagonia) using a UWITEC gravity corer (for the uppermost 70 cm depth) and a... -
Bulk chemistry measurements and grain size distribution of a composite sedime...
A 3 m-long sediment composite record was retrieved from Laguna Vogt (46.74º S, central west Patagonia) using a UWITEC gravity corer (for the uppermost 70 cm depth) and a... -
Foraminifera of IODP Site 341-U1421
Foraminifera counts are related to the total sample (counts in split x split factor). -
Sea ice rafted quartz grains of IODP Site 341-U1421
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Geochemical analysis of IODP Site 341-U1421
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Diatom analyses of IODP Site 341-U1421
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Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of foraminifera of IODP Site 341-U1421
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Age determination of IODP Site 341-U1421
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(Table 2) Age interval and accumulation rates of organic and inorganic carbon...
The Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175 recovered a unique series of stratigraphically continuous sedimentary sections along the SW African margin, an area which is presently... -
(Table 2) Planktonic foraminiferal datums and magnetostratigraphy of ODP Site...
Sediment depth is given in meters composite depth [mcd]. The planktonic foraminiferal datums are from Li et al. (2006). The paleomagnetic datums are from Wang et al. (2000). m1... -
A global compilation of diatom silica oxygen isotope records from lake sedime...
Oxygen isotopes in biogenic silica (δ18O BSi) from lake sediments allow for quantitative reconstruction of past hydroclimate and proxy–model comparison in terrestrial...