(Table 3) Summary data of single aliquot luminescence dating of cores from Ok...
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(Table 2) Summary data of multiple aliquot luminescence dating of cores from ...
Stratigraphic location of ages shown in Supplementary Figure 1. ? accompanying stratigraphic location number indicates ages used to develop the chronology for the site. D = dose... -
(Table 1) Radiometric dates of cores from Okarito Pakihi in Australia
Calibrated age ranges are calculated for all ages less than 21,000 14C yr BP. Unless otherwise stated cellulose extracts have been dated on all wood samples. Stratigraphic... -
Radiocarbon ages from core MD07-3081
This dataset contains the age model, Summer Sea Surface Temperature reconstruction (SSST), relative percentage of planktonic foraminifera and diatoms, and their associated... -
Orbitally tuned age model of sediment cores 340-TC1, 340-PC1, and 333-PC2 dry...
Cores 333-PC2, 340-TC1, and 340-PC1 were correlated to generate a continuous composite section based on dry bulk density.Magnetic susceptibility profiles (Peck et al., 1994)... -
Age determination of sediment core SO217-18522 (GIK18522-3)
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Age determination of sediment core LV76-21
Eight samples of monospecific planktic foraminifera of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.) with a weight of 4–6 mg were picked from the >125‐μm size fraction and measured in... -
AMS radiocarbon dates from sediment core AU_Geo02_GC20, South Atlantic
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Radiocarbon chronology of sediment core PS75/104-1
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Radiocarbon data from permafrost cores of the Ikpikpuk river and Fish Creek r...
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(Table 3) Radiocarbon age of sediment core DP30PC
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Radiocarbon datings of planktic foraminifer samples from gravity core LV28-34-2
Bound by the Asian continent to the northwest and north and the Kurile-Kamchatka-Island Arc to the east and southeast, the Sea of Okhotsk is the second largest marginal sea of... -
Weathering dataset collected from climate-threatened glacial river headwaters...
Here we provide a biogeochemical dataset containing weathering-specific parameters that we collected between 2019-2021 from the headwaters of three rivers (Sunwapta-Athabasca,... -
Organic carbon measurements on Bute Inlet river samples
This dataset includes organic carbon measurements on sediment samples collected in Bute Inlet (British Columbia, Canada) in October 2016 (cruise number PGC2016007) and October... -
Organic carbon measurements on Bute Inlet marine sediment samples
This dataset includes organic carbon measurements on sediment samples collected in Bute Inlet (British Columbia, Canada) in October 2016 (cruise number PGC2016007) and October... -
Luminescence Dating of River Terraces along the banks of the Greater Zab Rive...
This dataset contains details of 15 samples of the river terraces that were collected along the banks of the Greater Zab River (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) that crosses the Zagros... -
Radiocarbon chronology of sediment core GIK23074-1
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Radiocarbon chronology of sediment core SO213/2_76-2
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Radiocarbon chronology of sediment core PS97/137-1
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Radiocarbon chronology of sediment core MD07-3088
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