Physico-chemical conditions during a summer-autumn transition in the Ross Sea...
Here we present physico-chemical data collected during two research cruises conducted to and across the Ross Sea, Antarctica in the summer of 2018 (February-March) and 2019... -
Diatom data of sediment core MD07-3081
This dataset contains the age model, Summer Sea Surface Temperature reconstruction (SSST), relative percentage of planktonic foraminifera and diatoms, and their associated... -
Visible reflectance spectroscopy of sediment core SIS22-3
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Visible reflectance spectroscopy of sediment core SAS19-6
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Diatom assemblage of the sediment short core EN18232-1, Lake Khamra, Siberia
This data set is an extension to the previously published data in a bundled publication (Stieg et al., 2024a) from the Russian Lake Khamra (59.99°N, 112.98°E, 340 m a.s.l.),... -
Geochemistry, grain size, VIS reflectance spectroscopy, mass accumulation, di...
Productivity parameter, heavy metals, visible reflectance spectroscopy and diatom assemblages derived from lake sediment from Schweriner See, NE-Germany, were used to... -
Compiled Late Pliocene Stable Carbon Isotope Data from Sites in the Atlantic ...
Here we compiled stable carbon isotope data from 23 ODP sites in the Atlantic and Pacific, binned by marine isotope stage.Stable carbon isotope data were binned and averaged... -
Diatoms in surface sediments
Data are accessible on request: Rainer.Gersonde@awi.de -
Distribution of diatoms and primary production in surface sediments of East A...
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Distribution of diatoms of core GIK16772-2
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Distribution of diatoms of ODP Hole 108-658C
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Chironomidae whole or half head capsules counts in sediment core Haem13 from ...
This dataset provides counts of chironomid head capsules for the Lateglacial sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Hämelsee (Germany) in 2013. Counts per taxon are presented... -
Chironomid record of the Sobo-Sise Yedoma cliff (eastern Lena Delta)
This dataset has no description
XRF core-scanning data of composite sediment core ROD11 from the crater basin...
XRF core-scanning data characterizes the sediment composition geochemically and supports palaeoclimatic reconstruction of glacial/interglacial cycles for the Middle Pleistocene... -
Grainsize composition of composite sediment core ROD11 from the crater basin ...
Grainsize data supports palaeoclimatic reconstruction of glacial/interglacial cycles for the Middle Pleistocene sediment record from the crater basin of Rodderberg, Germany. A... -
Bulk geochemistry of composite sediment core ROD11 from the crater basin of R...
Bulk geochemistry characterizes sediment composition and supports palaeoclimatic reconstruction of glacial/interglacial cycles for the Middle Pleistocene sediment record from... -
Biogenic silica of composite sediment core ROD11 from the crater basin of Rod...
Biogenic silica data characterize lacustrine sediments and support the palaeoclimatic interpretation of interglacials for the Middle Pleistocene sediment record from the crater... -
Magnetic susceptibility of composite sediment core ROD11 from the crater basi...
Magnetic susceptibility – a proxy parameter for core correlation and reconstruction of glacial/interglacial cycles for the Middle Pleistocene sediment record from the crater... -
Chironomid head capsules for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from La...
This dataset provides counts of chironomid head capsules for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Loitsana (Finland) in 2008. Counts per taxon are presented... -
Loss-on-ignition (LOI) measurements of Holocene sediment sequence retrieved f...
This dataset provides Loss-on-ignition (LOI) data for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Loitsana (Finland) in 2008. LOI values (%) are presented against both...