1,014 datasets found

Keywords: globular star clusters

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  • The Panchromatic High-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey of Local Group Star Clu...

    This dataset contains spectroscopic observations of 29 globular clusters in the Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way performed with VLT/X-shooter over eight full nights.
  • Radial gradient of stellar populations

    In this paper we present the analysis of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of the globular cluster Omega Centauri. Our analysis combines data obtained in this work with...
  • Fimbulthul stream candidate stars

    Omega Centauri (omega Cen) is the Milky Way's most massive globular cluster, and has long been suspected of being the remnant core of an accreted dwarf galaxy. If this scenario...
  • Periods and classifications of RR Lyrae in M15

    We present measurements of the periods, amplitudes, and types of 74 RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M15 derived from Nickel 1m telescope observations conducted at Lick...
  • Chemistry of globular cluster NGC6388

    We present the homogeneous abundance analysis for a combined sample of 185 giants in the bulge globular cluster (GC) NGC 6388. Our results are used to describe the multiple...
  • e-TidalGCs project. Galactic globular cluster

    We present the e-TidalGCs project, aimed at modeling and predicting the extra-tidal features surrounding all Galactic globular clusters for which 6D phase-space information,...
  • Metallicities on multiple MSs of Omega Centauri

    Omega Cen is a rare example of a globular cluster where the iron abundance of the stars spans more than one order of magnitude. Many spectroscopic investigations of its...
  • Catalog of Stellar Rotational Velocities

    The catalog is a compilation of the observed projected rotational velocities, V_rot_sin(i), for 28179 stars from 166 open clusters, globular clusters and associations. The...
  • Detection of a tidal stream associated with M68

    A method to search for tidal streams and to fit their orbits based on maximum likelihood is presented and applied to the Gaia data. Tests of the method are performed showing how...
  • Dark matter halo and stellar stream asymmetry

    We study the effect of dynamical friction on globular clusters (GCs) and on the stars evaporated from the GCs (stellar streams) moving in the Galactic halo. Due to dynamical...
  • Finding black holes with black boxes

    Machine learning is a powerful technique, becoming increasingly popular in astrophysics. In this paper, we apply machine learning to more than a thousand globular cluster (GC)...
  • GC number density profiles using Gaia DR2

    Using data from Gaia DR2, we study the radial number density profiles of the Galactic globular cluster sample. Proper motions are used for accurate membership selection,...
  • Light element discontinuities in NGC 6402

    NGC 6402 is among the most massive globular clusters in the Galaxy, but little is known about its detailed chemical composition. Therefore, we obtained radial velocities and/or...
  • UBVRI photometry in 48 globular clusters

    We present wide-field, ground-based Johnson-Cousins UBVRI photometry for 48 Galactic globular clusters based on almost 90000 public and proprietary images. The photometry is...
  • HSTPROMO. VII. Velocity dispertion profiles

    We examine the degree of energy equipartition in nine Galactic globular clusters using proper motions measured with the Hubble Space Telescope. For most clusters in the sample,...
  • Proper motions of Milky Way globular clusters

    We use Gaia Data Release 2 to determine the mean proper motions for 150 Milky Way globular clusters (almost the entire known population), with a typical uncertainty of...
  • Galactic GC mean proper motions & velocities

    We have derived the mean proper motions and space velocities of 154 Galactic globular clusters and the velocity dispersion profiles of 141 globular clusters based on a...
  • WAGGS Globular Cluster Ca Triplet Metallicities

    Using data from the WiFeS Atlas of Galactic Globular cluster Spectra, we study the behaviour of the calcium triplet (CaT), a popular metallicity indicator in extragalactic...
  • UVIT-HST-GAIA view of NGC 288 hot stars

    A complete census of the blue horizontal branch (BHB) and blue straggler star (BSS) population within a 10' radius from the centre of the globular cluster NGC 288 is presented,...
  • Spatial distribution of GCs in the Galaxy

    The Milky Way's satellite galaxies and globular clusters (GCs) are known to exhibit an anisotropic spatial distribution. We examine in detail this anisotropy by the means of the...
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