A global Bayesian temperature calibration for lacustrine brGDGTs
Despite widespread use of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) for paleo-temperature reconstruction, no global calibration for their application in lakes has... -
X-ray fluorescense (XRF) core scanning from sediment core HZM19, Holzmaar (We...
XRF measurements in 0.2 to 1 mm increments with an ITRAX XRF core scanner (Cox Analytics) and Cr tube (Croudance et al. 2015, doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9849-5 ). The sediment core... -
Magnetic Susceptibility from sediment core HZM19, Holzmaar (West-Eifel Volcan...
Magnetic susceptibility (MS) measurements in 4 mm increments with a Bartington MS2E sensor mounted to a measuring bench (Nowaczyk, 2002, doi:10.1007/0-306-47669-X_8). The... -
Hyperspectral scanning imaging index from sediment core HZM19, Holzmaar (West...
Pigments measurements (RABD671 and RABD845) were made by Specim PFD-CL-65V10E linescan camera following the methods of (Butz et al., 2015, doi:10.1117/1.JRS.9.096031), at a... -
Diatom counts from sediment core HZM19, Holzmaar (West-Eifel Volcanic Field, ...
Diatom analyses were done following (Battarbee, 1986; Battarbee et al., 2002; doi:10.2478/s11756-019-00407-8). Including an updated list of names. The sediment core HZM19 was... -
Chronology from sediment core HZM19, Holzmaar (West-Eifel Volcanic Field, Ger...
Chronology is based on Birlo et al. 2023, the Age is in calibrated years Before Present. The sediment core HZM19 was collected in 2019, from Holzmaar, West-Eifel Volcanic Field... -
CNS analyses from sediment core HZM19, Holzmaar (West-Eifel Volcanic Field, G...
C, N and S analysed with a CNS elemental analyser (EuroEA, Eurovector). Biogenic silica was measured following the leaching method of Müller & Schneider (1993,... -
Sedimentary pigments from sediment core HZM19, Holzmaar (West-Eifel Volcanic ...
Chl and Bphe were measured with ultraviolet–visible photospectrometry (UV-VIS) using combined protocols of Lami et al. (1994, doi:10.1007/978-94-017-2095-3_7) and Pniewski... -
Bacterial GMGTs in East African lake sediments: Their potential as palaeotemp...
Glycerol monoalkyl glycerol tetraethers (GMGTs) are a group of membrane spanning lipids produced by some species of archaea and bacteria. They differ from the more commonly... -
Seasonal water isotope values in eastern German lakes and rivers (Spree, Dahm...
Water isotopes (δ²H and δ¹⁸O) were analyzed in samples from lakes and rivers in eastern Germany. This sub-dataset is derived from water samples collected from lake and river... -
Seasonal water isotope values in northeastern German lakes and ponds of the y...
Water isotopes (δ²H and δ¹⁸O) were analyzed in samples from a range of relatively small lakes and ponds in northeastern Germany. The sampled water bodies are not connected to... -
Summer hydrophysical properties of thermokarst lakes in the Central Yakutian ...
This dataset presents the assessment of the lake types and settings together with the data on hydrophysical parameters measurements including Electrical Conductivity, on-site... -
GLORIA - A global dataset of remote sensing reflectance and water quality fro...
The GLObal Reflectance community dataset for Imaging and optical sensing of Aquatic environments (GLORIA) includes 7,572 curated hyperspectral remote sensing reflectance... -
Plant diversity in sedimentary DNA obtained from high-latitude (Siberia) and ...
Compilation of environmental data for the 262 investigated localities, which include additional intra-lake localities taken within three large lakes namely: 16-KP-01-L02 (9... -
Genetic and morphologic data of diatoms from Arctic surface sediments
Lakes cover large parts of the climatically sensitive Arctic landscape and respond rapidly to environmental change. Freshwater diatoms dominate the primary producer community in... -
The prokaryotic biodiversity of Baiyangdian Lake
Baiyangdian Lake is the largest lake in North China -
Bacterial communities from Sierra Nevada amphibians and environmental samples...
Analysis of bacterial communities from the skin of Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frogs (R. sierrae) and surrounding environment, with the goal of understanding interactions with... -
Controlled lacustrine microcosms show a brGDGT response to environmental pert...
In this work we used controlled microcosms to study the effect of temperature and pH on brGDGTs in lake water. We collected surface water from Kennedy Lake, Tucson, AZ, a... -
South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) sediment core age models
Age model dates is SPCZ 14C and 210Pb dates used for BACON age models from Lac Lanutavake (cores UC1 and UC4 combined for a single age model), Lac Lalolalo (cores UC13, UC14,... -
South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) Titanium data
SPCZ Titanium data from Lake Lanoto'o on 'Upolu (Samoa), and Lake Emaotul on Efate (Vanuatu)