Determination of hydrophobic organic contaminants in sediment fines and bulk ...
We investigated 41 hydrophobic organic contaminants set of sediment samples (from 16 monitoring stations) taken in the North Sea (German EEZ). The samples were taken by the... -
Soil data from the floodplain of River Elbe
The goal of the project was to understand the impact of lateral hydraulic connectivity on the pollution patterns in floodplain soils. Floodplain soils were sampled during summer... -
Residue of PCB, HCB, DDE, and HCH measured in Pagurus bernhardus and surface ...
This dataset has no description
(Table 1) Concentrations of the main organochlorine pesticides in liver and p...
The present study investigates the concentrations and patterns of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and their metabolites in liver and plasma of two ringed seal populations... -
Residue of PCB, HCB, DDE, and HCH measured in Pagurus bernhardus during VALDI...
This dataset has no description
Concentrations of selected elements and organochlorine pesticides in layers o...
Lake sediment chronologies of ten lakes in northeastern Germany (Arendsee [AS], Carwitzer See [CR], Feldberger Haussee [FH], Breiter Luzin [BL], Schmaler Luzin [SL],... -
(Table TS1) Concentrations of organochlorine compounds and mercury in ivory g...
Organochlorine compounds are given per g lipid weight, mercury is given per g wet weight. Sum of 28 PCBs includes... -
(Table 5) Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in adipose tissue of po...
Concentrations per g lipid weight. Please note, that ng/g = µg/kg. -
(Table 1) Concentration of organochlorines in Great skua eggs (Stercorarius s...
All concentrations per (kilo)gram wet weight; ng/g = µg/kg; µg/g = 1/1000 µg/kg. Toxaphenes : N = 10 for both years. -
(Appendix 1) Persistant organic pollutant concentrations in liver of wild sea...
Concentrations are given per gram wet weight. -
(Supplementary Table 5) Isotopic ratios and persistent organic pollutants (PO...
Concentrations are given per g lipid weigth. 0 = below limit of detection. Pectoral muscle of birds were analyzed for POPs and stable isotopes. A piece of the dorsolateral... -
(Table 2b) Pesticide concentrations in seawater and particulate organic matte...
Samples are taken from the whole water column. 0 = below limit of detection. -
(Table 2a) Pesticide concentrations in zooplankton species from Kongsfjorden ...
All concentrations are given per g lipid weight. Zooplankton samples are taken from the whole water column. 0 = below limit of detection. -
(Table 2c) Concentration of persistant organic pollutants and mercury in seab...
Concentrations are given per gram lipid weight, except for mercury, where concentrations are given per gram wet weight. Please note that parameter units are sometimes ng/g... -
(Table 2b) Concentration of persistant organic pollutants and mercury in seab...
Concentrations are given per gram lipid weight, except for mercury, where concentrations are given per gram wet weight. Please note that parameter units are sometimes ng/g... -
(Table 2a) Concentration of persistant organic pollutants and mercury in seab...
Concentrations are given per gram lipid weight, except for mercury, where concentrations are given per gram wet weight. Please note that parameter units are sometimes ng/g... -
Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) in sediment core DAM17-02 from the Eure Rive...
We measured organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in sediment cores (collected in two independant ponds) to study the relationships between sediment deposits characteristics and... -
Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) in sediment core MAR16-02 from the Eure Rive...
We measured organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in sediment cores (collected in two independant ponds) to study the relationships between sediment deposits characteristics and... -
(Table 1) Concentrations of organic pollutants in soil samples from Adélie pe...
Although long-range atmospheric transport has been described as the predominant mechanism for exposing polar regions to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), recent studies have... -
(Table 1) Neutral and phenolic organohalogen compounds in blubber samples of ...
We report on the comparative bioaccumulation, biotransformation and/or biomagnification from East Greenland ringed seal (Pusa hispida) blubber to polar bear (Ursus maritimus)...