Pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs of the sediment core EN20001 from Lake Khamra
48 pollen samples from Lake Khamra were prepared using the established protocol with added Lycopodium marker spore tablets. To store samples and prepare microscopic slides,... -
Total organic carbon and total nitrogen of the sediment core EN20001 from Lak...
The dataset comprises the results of measured total organic carbon (TOC, 53 samples), and for total nitrogen (TN, 30 samples) from sediment core EN20001, retrieved from Lake... -
Element composition of the sediment core EN20001 from Lake Khamra
This dataset comprises the elemental distributions from high-resolution X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning from sediment core EN20001, retrieved from Lake Khamra, SW Yakutia. XRF... -
Radiocarbon age dating of bulk sediments from sediment core EN20001 from Lake...
This dataset comprises of the results of radiocarbon-based (14C) determination of age from sediment core EN20001, retrieved from Lake Khamra, SW Yakutia. Dating was conducted... -
Numbers of pollen grains counted vs. taxa registered within the microslide (m...
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Raw pollen counts of soil samples from lake Tenndammen
Lycopodium addad, number of spores in a tablette: 20848Volume, ml: 3 -
Raw pollen counts of sedimetn core Te2019
Lycopodium addad: 20848Volume: 3 ml -
Position of the soil samples collected from the lake shores and sample volume...
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Biogeochemical and palynological data from Lake Khamra, SW Yakutia
These bundled biogeochemical data of sediment core EN20001, from Lake Khamra (59.99095° N, 112.98345° E), in SW Yakutia consist of four datasets: (1) Radiocarbon age dating of... -
Raw counts of pollen and spores for the sediment core Te2019 (Svalbard, Coles...
We analysed for pollen lacustrine sediments from Svalbard (lake Tenndammen) as well as ten soil probs collected from the lake's shores. In total, 56 pollen taxa were registered... -
Pollen-derived vegetation reconstruction at IODP Site 353-U1446, Bay of Bengal
This data set presents the composition of vegetation in the Mahanadi Basin during the Last Glacial Period (80-20 ka). Percentages of the tropical trees, the arid-taxa,... -
Pollen determination of the last 3000 years from Lake Lubińskie in western Po...
This pollen dataset contains the age of the sample (Age [a AD/CE] and Age [ka BP]), depth of the sample in m (Depth sed [m]), % of arboreal pollen (AP, calculated from the... -
Diatoms determination of the last 3000 years from Lake Lubińskie in western P...
This diatoms dataset contains the age of the sample (Age [a AD/CE] and Age [ka BP]), % of main taxa contribution (columns 3-16, calculated for the taxa presented in the paper),... -
CNS determination of the last 3000 years from Lake Lubińskie in western Poland
This CNS dataset contains eight columns: Sample ID, Age [a AD/CE], Age [ka BP], Depth sed [m], and content of total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulfur (TS), and... -
Chronology determination of the last 3000 years from Lake Lubińskie in wester...
This chronology dataset contains five columns: depth sed [m], Age [a AD/CE], Age [ka BP], Age min [a AD/CE], and Age max [a AD/CE]. The age-depth model was developed through... -
Chronology, pollan, diatom, and geochemical data covering the last 3000 years...
Sediments from Lake Lubińskie, western Poland, were investigated to determine the limnological responses to environmental changes and to identify the mechanisms driving... -
Pollen and spores of the KP peat core from the Kampar Peninsula, Riau, Sumatr...
A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen and spore, loss-on-ignition, total organic carbon, stable carbon isotope and micro- and macrocharcoal was carried... -
Raw pollen counts from peat core R1.00 of the Rybojady mire in western Poland
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Raw pollen counts from peat core L1.00 of the Pawki Ług mire in western Poland
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Raw pollen counts from sediment core KBS 2 of lake Jezioro Skorupiaki in west...
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