ADCP current measurement at Mooring station 64PE421_2MOOR
Broadband 76.8 kHzPings/Ens = 9Time/Ping = 00:06.00First Ensemble Date = 17/05/14First Ensemble Time = 09:05:55.10Ensemble Interval (s) = 60.001st Bin Range (m) = 23.28Bin Size... -
Shear strength rates and slip measurements from IODP Expedition 316 and ODP H...
This dataset has no description
Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler measurements during R/V Littorina...
Vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements were carried out to acquire velocity profiles at two sites north (start: latitude & longitude:... -
Depth integrated biogeochemical and ecophysiological monitoring at station KB...
The project AWI-funded AMUST project aims at understanding at current and future controls of Arctic spring blooms and concurrrent effetcs on biogeochemistry,by combining... -
Depth integrated biogeochemical and ecophysiological monitoring at station KB...
The project AWI-funded AMUST project aims at understanding at current and future controls of Arctic spring blooms and concurrrent effetcs on biogeochemistry,by combining... -
Current meter and temperature time series (2017/2018) from mooring ET1 south ...
Data set of current meter and temperature logger mooring deployed at position 30°29.04'N, 30°11.7'W, in 4530m water depth. Record starts on Aug 8, 2017, ends May, 10, 2018.... -
Current meter and CTD data from the Biogenic Reef Ichthyofauna Lander (BRIL; ...
Measurements were made every 30 seconds but values reported here are resampled to match the sampling rate (1 minute) of the imaging system on the lander, so that each image can... -
Current meter and CTD data from the Biogenic Reef Ichthyofauna Lander (BRIL; ...
Measurements were made every 10 minutes but values reported here are repeated to match the sampling rate (1 minute) of the imaging system on the lander, so that each image can... -
Current meter and CTD data from the Biogenic Reef Ichthyofauna Lander (BRIL; ...
Measurements were made every 5 minutes but values reported here are repeated to match the sampling rate (1 minute) of the imaging system on the lander, so that each image can be... -
Current meter and CTD data from the Biogenic Reef Ichthyofauna Lander (BRIL; ...
Measurements were made every 5 minutes but values reported here are repeated to match the sampling rate (1 minute) of the imaging system on the lander, so that each image can be... -
Current meter and CTD data from the Biogenic Reef Ichthyofauna Lander (BRIL; ...
Measurements were made every 30 seconds but values reported here are resampled to match the sampling rate (1 minute) of the imaging system on the lander, so that each image can... -
Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_...
During the HALO-AC3 campaign conducted in March and April 2022 in Svalbard meteorological data (temperature, 3 wind components, air pressure) have been measured in high temporal... -
Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_...
During the HALO-AC3 campaign conducted in March and April 2022 in Svalbard meteorological data (temperature, 3 wind components, air pressure) have been measured in high temporal... -
Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_...
During the HALO-AC3 campaign conducted in March and April 2022 in Svalbard meteorological data (temperature, 3 wind components, air pressure) have been measured in high temporal... -
Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_...
During the HALO-AC3 campaign conducted in March and April 2022 in Svalbard meteorological data (temperature, 3 wind components, air pressure) have been measured in high temporal... -
Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_...
During the HALO-AC3 campaign conducted in March and April 2022 in Svalbard meteorological data (temperature, 3 wind components, air pressure) have been measured in high temporal... -
Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_...
During the HALO-AC3 campaign conducted in March and April 2022 in Svalbard meteorological data (temperature, 3 wind components, air pressure) have been measured in high temporal... -
Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_...
During the HALO-AC3 campaign conducted in March and April 2022 in Svalbard meteorological data (temperature, 3 wind components, air pressure) have been measured in high temporal... -
Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_...
During the HALO-AC3 campaign conducted in March and April 2022 in Svalbard meteorological data (temperature, 3 wind components, air pressure) have been measured in high temporal... -
Aircraft measurements of wind and temperature during flight P6_231_HALO_2022_...
During the HALO-AC3 campaign conducted in March and April 2022 in Svalbard meteorological data (temperature, 3 wind components, air pressure) have been measured in high temporal...