(Table 2) Diatom deposits in the Frische Nehrung, Baltic Sea
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(Table 1) Diatom deposits in the Frische Haff, Baltic Sea
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Geochemistry on various tephrostratigraphic records
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Radiocarbon age determinations on samples from Delta pingo (Fig. 3)
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Tab. 1: Results of chemical and isotope analyses
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Tab. 7: Results of an inventory of erratics in the Mount Provender area and a...
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Tab. 6: Grain-size distribution and carbonate content in samples from Mount P...
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Tab. 1: Grain-size distribution in samples from eight profiles on table mount...
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Tab. 5: Palaeomagnetic results of the Read Mountains Dykes
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Tab. 4: Palaeomagnetic data for the dykes in the northern and northwestern Sh...
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Tab. 3: Rock magneue parameters of the Shackleton Range basalts
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Tab. 2: Thermomagnetic measurements on dyke samples
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Tab. 1: Results of ore-microscopic studies
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Tab. 4: K/Ar age determinations of dyke samples
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Tab. 3: Modal composition and anorthitc contents of plagioclase in representa...
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Tab. 2: Distribution of major and trace elements in the Jurassic(?) sedimenta...
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Tab. 1: Distribution of major and trace elements in Pioneers Group rocks
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Tab. 3: Ar-Ar data of siltstone sampIe 88-242 from Clayton Ramparts
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Tab. 2: K-Ar ages from the Read Group
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Tab. 1: Rb-Sr data of Read Group rocks, basement of the Read Window (A. Höhnd...
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