BEDA-undersökningen 1980
The BEDA study is a study of cardiovascular disease in women, administered by the Section for Preventive Cardiology, University of Gothenburg. The background is that coronary... -
BEDA-undersökningen 1997
The BEDA study is a study of cardiovascular disease in women, administered by the Section for Preventive Cardiology, University of Gothenburg. The background is that coronary... -
MONICA-studien i Göteborg - MONICA 1985
The MONICA study is a WHO supported international multicenter study of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in... -
MONICA-studien i Göteborg - MONICA 1990
The MONICA study is a WHO supported international multicenter study of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in... -
MONICA-studien i Göteborg - MONICA 1995
The MONICA study is a WHO supported international multicenter study of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in... -
Intergene - Levnadsvanor och hälsa
INTERGENE is a research program at the Sahlgrenska Academy, Universty of Gothenburg. The study is a collaboration between Department of community medicine and public health and... -
Kaffe, homocystein och B-vitaminer
Elevated level of homocysteine has been identified as a graded and independent risk factor for coronary heart disease. The metabolism of homocysteine is dependent on the... -
Svenska grundskollärares hälsa och välbefinnande i arbetet 1978
The study 'Swedish teachers' health and well-being' is included in the project 'Work, health and well-being in teachers and school leaders in public school and in teachers in... -
PART - Psykisk hälsa - Arbete - Relationer - PART - Enkätundersökningarna 1-3
To increase knowledge in the field of mental illness the PART study (Mental health, work and relationships) was started, an epidemiological study on psychological morbidity... -
EPI-MUS - Risk- och skyddsfaktorer för sjuklighet i rörelseorganen och presta...
The study group consisted of about 1500 computer users, within different occupational groups where computers were daily used. Information about physical, psycological and... -
Utvärdering av förändringsarbetet vid inrättandet av ett nytt bilddiagnostisk...
The digitalisation of the hospital Södersjukhuset in Stockholm caused a coordination of the radiology department of Sachsska children's hospital, the unit for nuclear medicine... -
Utvärdering av förändringsarbetet vid inrättandet av ett nytt bilddiagnostisk...
The digitalisation of the hospital Södersjukhuset in Stockholm caused a coordination of the radiology department of Sachsska children's hospital, the unit for nuclear medicine... -
REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Urv...
REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and... -
REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Led...
REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and... -
REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Fun...
REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and... -
REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Upp...
REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and... -
REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Kon...
REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and... -
REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Ana...
REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and... -
REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Akt...
REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and... -
REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Exp...
REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and...