Plio-Pleistocene scanning x-ray fluorescence (XRF) data from ODP Site 967, Ea...
Mediterranean sediments record past changes in North African aridity/humidity changes (so-called 'Green Sahara periods') on orbital timescales. These changes are reflected in... -
Basic information about the investigation area from the East Frisian Wadden S...
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Excluded XRF down-core scanning profiles of sediments from the East Frisian W...
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Cleaned and reprocessed XRF down-core scanning profiles of sediments from the...
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Plio-Pleistocene environmental magnetic data from ODP Site 967, Eastern Medit...
Here we present a bulk sediment isothermal remanence magnetism record (“IRM900@120mT”) from ODP site 967, measured using a 2-G Enterprises cryogenic magnetometer. The... -
Size fractions in sediment core PSh-5159N
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XRF element analysis of IODP Site 353-U1443
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Carbonate calibration of IODP Site 353-U1443
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Isotopic composition of foraminifera in sediment core PSh-5159N
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Planktic foraminifera in sediment core PSh-5159N
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Physical properties measurements with GEOTEK Multi-Sensor Core Logger of sedi...
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Color data from BBCP Polecat Bench core 2B
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Color data from BBCP Polecat Bench core 2A
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Pollen record of core GOS18 from Lake Gościąż
To revise the chronology for the Lake Gościąż record, sediment cores were retrieved during two field campaigns in 2015 and 2018. Four overlapping sections were collected using a... -
XRF analysis of sediments of Lake Lungo, Italy
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Magnetic susceptibility of BBCP core PCB11-2A, (MSCL raw)
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Magnetic susceptibility of BBCP core GMH11-3B, (MSCL raw)
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Magnetic susceptibility of BBCP core GMH11-3A, (MSCL raw)
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Magnetic susceptibility of BBCP core BSN11-1B, (MSCL raw)
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Magnetic susceptibility of BBCP core BSN11-1A, (MSCL raw)
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