244 datasets found

Keywords: co line emission

Filter Results
  • Q1700-MD94 CI(1-0) datacube with NOEMA

    We use a combination of new NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) observations of the pair of [CI] transitions, the CO(7-6) line, and the dust continuum, in addition to...
  • G305 Giant Molecular Cloud II. Clump properties

    G305 star-forming complex was observed in the 3-2 lines of 12 & 13CO to investigate the effect of feedback from the central OB stars on the complex. The region was...
  • OGHReS 12CO(2-1) data cubes

    Filaments are a ubiquitous morphological feature of the molecular interstellar medium and are identified as sites of star formation. In recent years, more than 100 large-scale...
  • Galactic CO maps

    Carbon monoxide (CO) is the best tracer of Galactic molecular hydrogen H_2_. Its lowest rotational emission lines are in the radio regime, and thanks to Galactic rotation,...
  • J1717-3342 and J1744-3116 CO spectra

    The chemistry of the diffuse interstellar medium is driven by the combined influences of cosmic rays, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and turbulence. Previously detected at the...
  • Taffy system CO(1-0) datacube

    The Taffy system (UGC 12914/15) consists of two massive spiral galaxies which had a head-on collision about 20Myr ago. New sensitive, high-resolution CO(1-0) observations of the...
  • NGC 3269 CO spectra

    An intriguing silhouette of a small dust patch can be seen against the disk of the S0 galaxy NGC 3269 in the Antlia cluster in optical images. The images do not provide any clue...
  • NGC 4654 CO(2-1) data cube

    NGC 4654 is a Virgo galaxy seen almost face-on, which undergoes nearly edge-on gas ram pressure stripping and a fly-by gravitational interaction with another massive galaxy, NGC...
  • CO observations of the IC443 SNR

    Supernova remnants (SNRs) represent a major feedback source from stars in the interstellar medium of galaxies. During the latest stage of supernova explosions, shock waves...
  • Musca APEX 12CO(2-1), 13CO(2-1) and C18O(2-1) data

    Dense molecular filaments are ubiquituous in the interstellar medium, yet their internal physical conditions and the role of gravity, turbulence, the magnetic field, radiation,...
  • California molecular cloud CO datacubes

    Dense molecular filaments are central to the star formation process, but the detailed manner in which they fragment into prestellar cores is not well understood yet. Here, we...
  • CARLA J1103+3449 cluster datacube

    Passive early-type galaxies dominate cluster cores at z<~1.5. At higher redshift, cluster core galaxies are observed to have on-going star-formation, which is fuelled by cold...
  • Musca APEX 12CO(2-1), 12CO(3-2) & 12CO(4-3) data

    Observations with the Herschel Space Telescope have established that most star forming gas is organised in filaments, a finding that is supported by numerical simulations of the...
  • Molecular gas in distant brightest cluster gal.

    The mechanisms governing the stellar mass assembly and star formation history of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) are still being debated. By means of new and archival...
  • Extremely high-velocity jets in Serpens

    ALMA observations of four molecular transitions, CO 2-1, SiO 5-4, H_2_CO 3_03_-2_02_ in Band 6 (ALMA project 2013.1.00726.S; PI: C. Hull) and HCN 1-0 observed in Band 3 (ALMA...
  • ALMA CO observations of the system 4C12.50

    The nearby system 4C12.50, also known as IRAS 13451+1217 and PKS 1345+12, is a merger of gas-rich galaxies with infrared and radio activity. It has a perturbed interstellar...
  • Complex refractive index of CO ice

    Reliable, directly measured optical properties of astrophysical ice analogs in the infrared (IR) and terahertz (THz) range are missing. These parameters are of great importance...
  • VRO 42.05.01 CO datacubes

    The environment of supernova remnants (SNRs) is a key factor in their evolution, particularly at later stages of their existence. Mixed-morphology (MM) SNRs have a peculiar...
  • M16 CO maps

    We aim to investigate the impact of the ionized radiation from the M16 HII region on the surrounding molecular cloud and on its hosted star formation. To present comprehensive...
  • CO observations of major merger pairs at z=0

    We present CO observations of 78 spiral galaxies in local merger pairs. These galaxies represent a subsample of a Ks-band-selected sample consisting of 88 close major-merger...
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