Pearl river estuary Targeted Locus
Tag barcoded 16s rDNA amplicons of Pearl river estuary. -
Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valley lakes aquatic metagenome Raw sequence reads
Small subunit rRNA gene tag sequencing of environmental samples from water columns of McMurdo Dry Valley lakes in Antarctica -
The detection of eDNA from all 19 species and subspecies of the genus Anguilla
The goal in my study is to develop a set of universal genus-spesific PCR primers for eDNA metabarcoding in order to correctly distinguish the eDNA of all the 19 species and... -
Examination of Microbial Communities through a Freshwater/saltwater Transitio...
We have groundwater samples from karst sinkholes (cenotes) from Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Since the groundwater is permanently stratified, we have samples from fresh water,... -
Effect of Acute Temperature Stress on Energy Metabolism Immune Performance an...
The escalation of extreme weather events exerts a considerable influence on aquaculture particularly in the form of severe temperature stress which significantly sabotages the... -
Aquatic eukaryotic microorganism in microcosm experiment
18S sequence of water sample for the study of it's eukaryotic microbial community -
Water microrganism Genome sequencing
Effect of disinfection processes on bacterial communities in a real drinking water distribution system -
freshwater metagenome Raw sequence reads
The objectives of this study was to assess the relationships between water quality parameters and bacterial community structures -
Wastewater and river metagenomes
Wastewater influent and effluent samples, as well as river and fish gut samples collected from upstream wastewater treatment plant outfall, at the outfall, downstream the outfall -
Water samples (river water & groundwater) Raw sequence reads - V4 region ...
Microbial community composition of water samples collected from water resources (river water and groundwater) -
freshwater metagenome Metagenome
freshwater bacterial community diversity in estuary of Yangtze river -
Borup Fiord Pass Microbiological Characterization
Borup Fiord Pass, in the Canadian High Arctic, where a low-temperature sulfidic spring flows onto the toe of a glacier. Characterization of Borup Fiord Pass seeks to elucidate...