Abundance records of polychaete taxa (family: Aphroditides, Polynoids) from t...
The data set comprises a total of 3,240 records of abundance of 24 polychaete taxa of the families Aphroditides and Polynoids (88 % of the taxa were identified at species or... -
Abundance records of the five most abundant brittle star species (Ophiuroidea...
The dataset comprises a total of 540 records of abundance of Astrotoma agassizii Lyman, 1875, Ophionotus victoriae (Bell, 1902), Ophioplinthus brevirima (Mortensen, 1936),... -
Abundance and biomass records of two sea urchin species (Sterechinus antarcti...
The dataset comprises a total of 336 records of abundance and biomass of two sea urchin species, Sterechinus antarcticus Koehler, 1901 and Sterechinus neumayeri (Meissner,... -
Presence and absence records of sea star species (class: Asteroidea) from tra...
The dataset comprises a total of 7,134 records of presence and absence for 87 sea star taxa (84 % on species level, 16 % others) from 72 trawl samples (Agassiz trawl, bottom... -
Documentation of sediment core PS1215-1
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Station list and master track of POLARSTERN cruise ANT-II/4, Punta Arenas - C...
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Documentation of sediment core PS1225-2
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Documentation of sediment core PS1220-1
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X-ray fluorescence on sediment core PS1211-2 (raw data from XRF-core scanner)
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X-ray fluorescence on sediment core PS1207-2 (raw data from XRF-core scanner)
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Physical oceanography during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-II/4
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Documentation of sediment core PS1226-1
This dataset has no description
Documentation of sediment core PS1225-1
This dataset has no description
Documentation of sediment core PS1223-1
This dataset has no description
Documentation of sediment core PS1222-1
This dataset has no description
Documentation of sediment core PS1220-3
This dataset has no description
Documentation of sediment core PS1219-1
This dataset has no description
Documentation of sediment core PS1217-1
This dataset has no description