Current meter data from mooring ESACAN-C1
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Current meter data from mooring ESACAN-C3
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Current meter data from mooring ESACAN-C2
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(Table 1) Permanent currents in the Campeche Bank area based on data of 24-ho...
Data of twenty buoy stations were used to compile a new chart of permanent currents in the surface layer (10 m depth) for the region of the Yucatan shelf (Campeche Bank). It was... -
Current measurements below the ice in Eclipse Sound
Velocity and direction of the current under the sea ice of the EcIipse Sound between Baffin lsland and Bylot Island were measured with specially developed devices and registered... -
(Table 1) Conditions of vertical near-bottom profiling and the main parameter...
Measurements of 14 vertical profiles of currents and hydrological parameters in the near-bottom layer with depth resolution of 0.1 m were carried out in several regions of the... -
Measurements of pH in a boundary layer covering the thallus of the macroalga ...
Microsensor- set-up by UniSense (Arhus, Denmark): Motorized micromanipulator, microsensors' tip diameter was 10 µm, pH sensor is a potentiometric microelectrode, O2 sensor is a... -
Time series of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and currents measured ...
The mooring has a ballast weight at the bottom, then datalogger in a mooring frame attached to ballast, and a special cable with several sensors attached ("the sensor string")... -
Time series of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and currents measured ...
The mooring has a ballast weight at the bottom, then datalogger in a mooring frame attached to ballast, and a special cable with several sensors attached ("the sensor string")... -
Time series of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and currents measured ...
The mooring has a ballast weight at the bottom, then datalogger in a mooring frame attached to ballast, and a special cable with several sensors attached ("the sensor string")... -
Time series of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and currents measured ...
The mooring has a ballast weight at the bottom, then datalogger in a mooring frame attached to ballast, and a special cable with several sensors attached ("the sensor string")... -
Time series of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and currents measured ...
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Physical oceanography at time series station Upper Loch Etive, 14 m, from 201...
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Physical oceanography at time series station Upper Loch Etive, 14 m, from 201...
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Near-seafloor physical oceanography and oxygen time series in the Black Sea d...
Depth is 0.5 m above seafloor, oxygen optode 103 mounted 3.5 m above seafloor -
Deep currents measurements in the Var Canyon from ENVAR_MLP-VA
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Deep currents measurements in the Var Canyon from ENVAR_MLP-VV
Position in the water column: bottom -
Deep currents measurements in the Var Canyon from ENVAR_MLP-VD
Position in the water column: bottom -
Deep currents measurements in the Var Canyon from ENVAR_MLP-VC
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Deep currents measurements in the Var Canyon from ENVAR_MLP-VB
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