Enhancing Educational Resilience and Sustainability in Hoa Binh, Vietnam, 202...
This dataset contains results from a series of workshops and surveys conducted in Hoa Binh, Vietnam, as part of the ACES project. The study, spanning from September 2020 to May... -
Improving the Uptake and Sustainability of Effective Interventions To Promote...
This study investigates the factors influencing preferences for delayed (or “backup”) antibiotic prescription: a strategy that can be used in primary care as part of antibiotic... -
Virtual Tours of an Urban Park Produced Stress Recovery and Emotional Well-Be...
The interest in urban green space as a provider/supporter of mental well-being is still growing. The question has largely moved on from “Will a walk in the park help with mental... -
Government Communications Headquarters Hansard Parliamentary Debates, 1980-2017
These datasets are derived from a Hansard dataset created by Evan Odell (2021) (website). We filtered this large database to keep only those speeches containing the word “GCHQ”.... -
A Comparative Study Data on Early-Years Education of Children in India and Pa...
This dataset is a cross-sectional survey collected from two provinces in Pakistan (Punjab) and India (State of Gujarat). The sample included both urban and rural parts of the... -
Neurodivergence and Violent Extremism: Aggregate Data for 18 International Ca...
This research adopted a case study analysis approach, analysing a novel dataset of 18 closed-source international cases of individuals with extremism concerns who were diagnosed... -
A Systematic Review of Neurodivergence, Vulnerability and Risk in the Context...
This dataset relates to a systematic review examining neurodivergence in the context of violent extremism. The excel spreadsheet provided here is the analysis spreadsheet used... -
Healthy Cognitive Ageing: Empowering Older Adults Through Self-Testing, 2022-...
These comprise anonymous data for experimental work to i) pilot a measure of cognitive change in ageing and ii) gather data about cognitive problems experienced by... -
Why Do Boards Exist? Governance Design in the Absence of Corporate Law, 1896-...
The data are hand-collected from Carl Kierulf’s annual Handbook of Norwegian Bonds and Stocks (Haandbog over Norske Obligationer og Aktier), the historical Norwegian trade... -
Eyetracking-enhanced Visual Evoked Potential for Nystagmus, 2018-2023
Importance: Visual evoked potential (VEP) testing is an important part of a diagnostic workup and prognostic indicator of visual ability in patients with early onset nystagmus.... -
Experiments on Performance-related Pay and Stress: Evidence from a Cross-over...
As described in the overarching funded project description, the focus of the research is to examine the relationship between performance-related pay and stress using... -
Experiments on Performance-related Pay and Stress: Sample Selection, 2022
As described in the overarching funded project description, the focus of the research is to examine the relationship between performance-related pay and stress using... -
Experiments on Performance-related Pay and Stress: Higher Stakes, 2020
As described in the overarching funded project description, the focus of the research is to examine the relationship between performance-related pay and stress using... -
Experiments on Performance-related Pay and Stress: Performance-related Pay Pe...
As described in the overarching funded project description, the focus of the research is to examine the relationship between performance-related pay and stress using... -
Experiments on Performance-related Pay and Stress: Performance-related Pay an...
As described in the overarching funded project description, the focus of the research is to examine the relationship between performance-related pay and stress using... -
Empowering Cities of Migration: Research Methods Tools, 2021-2022
The Empowering Cities of Migration project focused on exploring the housing and integration needs of residents living in three different neighbourhoods in the UK, Gothenburg and... -
Policy Discounting Across and Beyond the Lifespan, 2023
Legislators face a challenge when implementing long-termist policies that prioritise sustainability and the well-being of future generations: citizens prefer policies that pay... -
Driving Behaviour Change for Wet Wipe Use and Disposal, 2023
Preventative waste management is at the top of the waste hierarchy set out in the EU Waste Framework and underpins multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals. However,... -
Competition and Facilitation During Learning: Temporal and Spatial Contiguity...
Over the last 50 years, cue competition phenomena have shaped theoretical developments in animal and human learning. However, recent failures to obtain the well-known blocking... -
Competition and Facilitation During Learning: Social Overshadowing - Revisiti...
In a large variety of contexts, it is essential to use the available information to extract patterns and behave accordingly. When it comes to social interactions for instance,...