The genetics of East African populations: a Nilo-Saharan component in the Afr...
Includes Supplementary Figures S1-S13, Supplementary Tables S1-S8 and Supplementary Methods. Suppl. Fig. S1: Principal component analysis of the new populations genotyped from... -
Semi-synthetic dataset: motor vehicle crashes and temperature in Catalonia
Semi-synthetic dataset that was created to approximate the relationship between the daily number of motor vehicle crashes and ambient temperature in 14 climatic regions of... -
Variables relacionadas con la vacunación contra la COVID-19 y la reticencia v...
Respuestas al cuestionario sobre vacunación contra la COVID-19 por parte de la población general y profesionales sanitarios. Esta información incluye datos sociodemográficos... -
Epidemiological and clinical data of over 2800 individuals at risk for Trypan...
Dataset used for the publication 'Epidemiological profile of over 2800 individuals at risk for Trypanosoma cruzi infection in a non-endemic country. Insights of initial... -
Time series of heart rate and oxygen uptake during outdoor walks of patients ...
Dataset used for the publication 'Heart rate and oxygen uptake kinetics obtained from continuous measurements with wearable devices during outdoor walks of patients with COPD'... -
Replication Data for: Morphological Insights in Oxidative Sensitive Nanocarri...
Here are the metadata and code for the paper: Morphological Insights in Oxidative sensitive nanocarriers Pharmacokinetics, Targeting, and Photodynamic Therapy -
Raw data SHANKs variants FILDIL project
A dataset of raw data for the exome sequencing of 5 patients carrying pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants in SHANKs genes. Pending publication of its associated paper... -
This prospective cohort study, initiated in December 2019, aims to evaluate nodules of patients who underwent surgery for pulmonary nodules (PN) in routine practice and as part... -
PROFIT Dataset-WP1
The first aim was to compare, in a cohort study enrolling older adults (>65 years) with lung, gastrointestinal and prostate cancer, different easy measures of frailty... -
Early Preclinical Study of IQS080, a Drug Candidate against Pancreatic Cancer
The present data set compiles the experimental results obtained in the Proof of Concept project entitled: Early Preclinical Study of IQS080, a Drug Candidate against Pancreatic... -
Datasheets for assessments conducted in the home-based Core Stability Exercis...
The datasheets include assessments from the home-based CSE program delivered via telerehabilitation, conducted at baseline (T0), after 7 weeks (T1), and 12 weeks... -
Ecotoxicity of 6PPDQuinone and increased temperature in Radix balthica
Data of toxicological effects of 6PPDQuinone on the freshwater snail Radix balthica obtained in a 10-day experiment under two different temperature conditions. The endpoints... -
Nanomechanics of cell-derived matrices as a functional read-out in Collagen V...
This dataset includes all data reported in the manuscript entitled "Nanomechanics of cell-derived matrices as a functional read-out in Collagen VI-related Congenital Muscular... -
Replication Data for: The African introgression of Murciano Granadina goats h...
About the data set, we have genotyped 500 Murciano-Granadina goats with the Goat SNP50 BeadChip and we have also retrieved Goat SNP50 BeadChip data from reference populations... -
Replication Data for: Calcium Imaging In Electrically Stimulated Flat-Mounted...
Retinal prostheses have the ability to generate visual perceptions. To advance the development of new prostheses, ex vivo methods are needed to test devices before implantation.... -
Replication Data for: Graphene-based microelectrodes with bidirectional funct...
Neuroelectronic prostheses are being developed for restoring vision at the retinal level in patients who have lost their sight due to photoreceptor loss. The core component of... -
Desregulación de la sinaptogénesis por efecto del péptido beta-amiloide sobre...
Los subobjetivos principales han sido: i) el estudio de los los mecanoreceptores en la etiología y progresión de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y de la esclerosis lateral... -
Datos Revisión Sistemática PRISMA Acoso Escolar y Deporte
El Dataset contiene los artículos extraídos de las bases de datos bibliográficas a Scopus (Elsevier), Web of Science – CoreCollection (Clarivate Analytics) a través de la... -
Replication Data for: Assessment of power spectral density of microvascular h...
In this work, a state-of-the-art bed-side monitor combining time-domain near infrared spectroscopy and diffuse correlation spectroscopy to measure hemoglobin and blood flow... -
Replication Data for: Non-Invasive Monitoring of Microvascular Oxygenation an...
In this work, a state-of-the-art bed-side monitor combining time-domain near infrared spectroscopy, diffuse correlation spectroscopy, a pulse oximeter, and an automatized...