Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
Tethered balloon-borne meteorological measurements during the Arctic field ca...
In a new version of the data (see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.933223), the wind speed calibration for the standard meteorology sonde has been revised. Therefore please use the new version. -
AMSR-E ASI sea ice concentration data, Arctic, version 5.4 (NetCDF) (June 200...
The sea ice concentration product from the University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), has been retrieved with the ARTIST Sea Ice (ASI) algorithm, applied to...