Profile of vertical fish echo sounding during HEINCKE cruise HE300 with links...
Transducer frequencys: 1) 38 kHz; 2) 70 kHz; 3) 120 kHz; 4) 200 kHz; Pulse duration: 256 µs. See http://hs.pangaea.de/fishsounder/HE300/EK60_Vertical/HE300_vertical_idxfiles.zip... -
Profile of horizontal fish echo sounding during HEINCKE cruise HE300 with lin...
Transducer frequencys: 1) 38 kHz; 2) 120 kHz - Pulse duration: 256 µs. See http://hs.pangaea.de/fishsounder/HE300/EK60_Horizontal/HE300_horizontal_idxfiles.zip and... -
Medusae abundance during HEINCKE cruise HE228
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Medusae abundance during HEINCKE cruise HE225
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Copepod egg production in surface waters (0-100 m) of the Aegean Sea in sprin...
Vertical tows of the WP-2 net (mouth diameter 57 cm, mesh size 200?m) were carried out from 0 to 100 m. Towing speed was 0.3 m/s. Sample volume was estimated by the net mouth... -
Population growth rates of Pollicipes elegans in Lobitos, 1993, Peru
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The sulphate component in aerosol samples over the Noth Atlantic Ocean (Tab. 1)
The size distribution of sulphate containing particles over the North Atlantic was determined for particles with radii larger than 0.18 µm. It is compared with the size... -
Concentration of aerosol components over the Noth Atlantic Ocean (Tab. 2)
Aerosol samples collected over the North Atlantic from ship were analysed for Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and Chloride. A found dependence of sea salt concentrations... -
Soil temperature and soil moisture at different sites during expedition LENA ...
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Particle flux measured on deep sea sediment trap VP-2_trap (Appendix A2.7)
A 17 month record of vertical particle flux of dry weight, carbonate and organic carbon were 25.8, 9.4 and 2.4g/m2/y, respectively. Parallel to trap deployments, pelagic system... -
Particle flux measured on deep sea sediment trap SP-1_trap (Appendix A2.4)
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Particle flux measured on deep sea sediment trap NB-1_trap (Appendix A2.8)
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Particle flux measured on deep sea sediment trap NA-1_trap (Appendix A2.9)
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Particle flux measured on deep sea sediment trap LB-1_trap (Appendix A2.6)
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Particle flux measured on deep sea sediment trap FS-3_trap (Appendix A2.1)
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Particle flux measured on deep sea sediment trap FS-1_trap (Appendix A2.3)
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Particle flux measured on deep sea sediment trap BI-1_trap (Appendix A2.5)
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Radionuclides from sediment trap Weddell_Sea_3
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Radionuclides from sediment trap Polar_Front_1
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Radionuclides from sediment trap King_George_1
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