347 datasets found

Keywords: and Evaluation

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  • 50-åringar i Göteborg - 1953 års män

    Starting in 1963 and with 10-year intervals, five population samples of men aged 50 and living in the city of Gothenborg, Sweden, were examined with respect to cardiovascular...
  • 50-åringar i Göteborg - 1953 års kvinnor

    Starting in 1963 and with 10-year intervals, five population samples of men aged 50 and living in the city of Gothenborg, Sweden, were examined with respect to cardiovascular...
  • 50-åringar i Göteborg - 1913 års män, undersökning 1963

    Starting in 1963 and with 10-year intervals, five population samples of men aged 50 and living in the city of Gothenborg, Sweden, were examined with respect to cardiovascular...
  • 50-åringar i Göteborg - 1913 års män, undersökning 1967

    Starting in 1963 and with 10-year intervals, five population samples of men aged 50 and living in the city of Gothenborg, Sweden, were examined with respect to cardiovascular...
  • Primärpreventiva studien 1970-1973

    The Primary Prevention Trial in Goteborg is a multifactorial intervention programme on coronary heart disease, stroke incidence and total mortality. The study is administered by...
  • Primärpreventiva studien 1974-1977

    The Primary Prevention Trial in Goteborg is a multifactorial intervention programme on coronary heart disease, stroke incidence and total mortality. The study is administered by...
  • Primärpreventiva studien 1980-1983

    The Primary Prevention Trial in Goteborg is a multifactorial intervention programme on coronary heart disease, stroke incidence and total mortality. The study is administered by...
  • BEDA-undersökningen 1980

    The BEDA study is a study of cardiovascular disease in women, administered by the Section for Preventive Cardiology, University of Gothenburg. The background is that coronary...
  • BEDA-undersökningen 1997

    The BEDA study is a study of cardiovascular disease in women, administered by the Section for Preventive Cardiology, University of Gothenburg. The background is that coronary...
  • MONICA-studien i Göteborg - MONICA 1985

    The MONICA study is a WHO supported international multicenter study of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in...
  • MONICA-studien i Göteborg - MONICA 1990

    The MONICA study is a WHO supported international multicenter study of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in...
  • MONICA-studien i Göteborg - MONICA 1995

    The MONICA study is a WHO supported international multicenter study of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in...
  • Intergene - Levnadsvanor och hälsa

    INTERGENE is a research program at the Sahlgrenska Academy, Universty of Gothenburg. The study is a collaboration between Department of community medicine and public health and...
  • Kaffe, homocystein och B-vitaminer

    Elevated level of homocysteine has been identified as a graded and independent risk factor for coronary heart disease. The metabolism of homocysteine is dependent on the...
  • PART - Psykisk hälsa - Arbete - Relationer - PART - Enkätundersökningarna 1-3

    To increase knowledge in the field of mental illness the PART study (Mental health, work and relationships) was started, an epidemiological study on psychological morbidity...
  • EPI-MUS - Risk- och skyddsfaktorer för sjuklighet i rörelseorganen och presta...

    The study group consisted of about 1500 computer users, within different occupational groups where computers were daily used. Information about physical, psycological and...
  • Arbetsförhållanden och hälsa vid callcenter i Sverige

    There are a range of problems associated with job on call centres. A range of problems associated with the job have become apparent, with time pressure, performance monitoring...
  • Hälsorisker i arbete vid elproduktion och eldistribution

    In studies regarding occupation exposure to extremly low frequent (50 - 60 Hz) electric and magnetic fields have some disorders in biologic systems been reported. In the late...
  • Hälsoresursprojektet 2008

    The Health Assets Project is being carried out by the GendiQ research group at the Unit of Social Medicine. The project examines the individual, organisational and societal...
  • Hälsoresursprojektet 2009

    The Health Assets Project is being carried out by the GendiQ research group at the Unit of Social Medicine. The project examines the individual, organisational and societal...
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