040311-15 Ottestrup
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1994 : Nyt... -
040311-14 Vedbynørre
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 2008-05-27: Ved... -
020508-14 Grået
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1990-09-03: På en... -
P.g.a. villniss og tett kratt fant ikke registrator de haugene som skulle være her, men fikk senere en nøyaktig angivelse av stedet. Etter sigende befinner det seg her 4 hauger... -
Langsmalt søkk i markoverflaten, fra sjøkanten og mot nordvest. Nå delvis gjenfylt. Oppr. anslagsvis 20-25 m langt og 5 m bredt, og med dybde inntil 1 m. Ut fra topografiske... -
Den omvendte båd
I gamle dager mente folk at en ildsprutende drage holdt til på Båden. "Østen for Christianssand op i Den omgekerde baad der holder til en brændende Drage, som de kan se baade... -
080404-22 Hjallese Hegning
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1982-09-20: Her... -
080219-26 Starvbjerg
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1989-05-25: I... -
040306-11 Frederikslund
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :... -
040306-10 Frederikslund
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :... -
040306-9 Kindertofte
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1990-04-17: I... -
040306-8 Frederikslund
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :... -
010101-58 Huseby
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1990-03-01: Ved... -
060305-404 Gulbakkevej 4
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1985 : Fund... -
060106-169 Almegård
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :... -
060105-210 Pæregård
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1981 : Lille... -
060105-207 Røvej 1
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1981 :... -
060101-193 Hammersholm
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1987 :... -
060107-121 Spellingegård
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1981 : Stort... -
060107-114 Stenby Mølle
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1981 :...