Tab. 1: Längenänderungen der Gletscherenden 1978/79
Die Nachmessungen an den Gletschern der österreichischen Alpen wurden wie bisher von ehrenamtlichen Berichterstattern im Auftrage des Osterreichischen Alpenvereins durchgeführt,... -
(Table 1) Revised and corrected composite depth sections of ODP Site 160-964
High-resolution color reflectance records of KC01 and KC01B (Calabrian Ridge, Ionian Sea) are presented and compared with a modified spliced high-resolution color reflectance... -
(Table 1) Error analysis definitions for Unit IVb sediments above décollement...
Complete penetration of frontal thrust and décollement of the Nankai Trough accretionary complex in Site 808 during ODP Leg 131 provided a wealth of structural observations and... -
(Table 1) Summary of CT values, attenuation coefficients, density, and porosi...
This paper presents results of an interdisciplinary investigation of the relation between fluids, fluid flow, and deformation in the toe region of the Nankai accretionary prism.... -
(Table 1) Cation exchange capacity and other characteristics of soils common ...
The chemical and biochemical processes associated with the filtration of rainwater through soils, a step in groundwater recharge, were investigated. Under simulated climatic... -
(Table T2) Spectral reflectance record for ODP Site 188-1165
Two main alternating facies were observed at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1165, drilled in 3357 m water depth into the Wild Drift (Cooperation Sea, Antarctica): a dark... -
(Table 1) Rock magnetic properties of the sediment samples from ODP Hole 127-...
Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic studies of the sediment samples from Site 797 were carried out. Thermal demagnetization was found to be more effective in removing secondary... -
Directions of the low-T and high-T components an the difference of the declin...
Experiments with thermal demagnetization of the samples from Site 770 of Ocean Drilling Leg 124 indicate that the samples have two magnetic components. An assumption that the... -
(Table 2) Actual and synthetic mass accumulation rate data and their absolute...
Synthetic mass accumulation rates have been calculated for ODP Site 707 using depth-density and depth-porosity functions to estimate values for these parameters with increasing... -
Tab. 1: Winter temperatures at the west coast of Greenland
Ist die Tatsache ungewöhnlicher Temperaturzunahme im Nordpolarraum in den letzten Jahrzehnten durch zahlreiche Publikationen allgemein bekannt, so möchte ich hier auf einige... -
(Table 1) Carbonate content in surface sediments
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(Table 1) Strontium isotope composition in pore waters at ODP Sites 130-807 a...
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Biogeochemistry of a profile from the Chuar Group, Grand Canyon
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2D and 3D Euclidean distance matrix between two plots from the Kilimanjaro ec...
To assess biodiversity and ecosystem processes along altutudianl and disturbance gradients on Mt. Kilimanjaro, a total of 60 study sites in both natural and human-disturbed...