Pore water and solid phase data of sediment core GeoB15105-4
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Pore water data of sediment core GeoB15105-2
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Pore water and solid phase data of sediment core GeoB15105-1
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(Appendix) Different accumulation rates from ODP Hole 189-1172A
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(Appendix) Different accumulation rates from ODP Hole 189-1168A
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Data supplement to "Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climat...
The effects of climate and topography on soil physico-chemical and microbial parameters were studied along an extensive latitudinal climate gradient in the Coastal Cordillera of... -
δ13C(organic), C/N mass ratios and %TOC for Continent Ridge core CON01-603-5
C/N mass ratios remain constant throughout MIS 3 and into MIS 2, with values between 6.3 and 8.9, indicating no significant terrestrial input of organic matter (Fig. 3). Low... -
Clay mineralogy and sedimentology of coring Site BDP-1-B (BDP93-2)
Lake Baikal, in south-central Siberia, has been the focus of an international effort (the Baikal Drilling Project; BDP) to obtain continuous long cores (upwards of 100 m) from... -
Vertical profiles of settling particles in the water column.
During 16 months of deployment, 239 g m−2 dry matter settled in the 40-m trap, with an average flux of 14.9 g m−2 month−1 (Table 2 and Fig. 2). The content of organic carbon was... -
Downcore variations of the TOC and TS for VER 98-1-14
Total organic carbon (TOC) and total sulphur (TS) were determined using a LECO CS-225-Analyser. The clay-rich layers are characterised by low levels of TOC and TS. The...