369 datasets found

Keywords: hst photometry

Filter Results
  • HST WFC3 photometry of NGC 2419

    We present new deep imaging of the central regions of the remote globular cluster NGC 2419, obtained with the F343N and F336W filters of the Wide Field Camera 3 on board the...
  • VI magnitudes of NGC 4535 stars

    We analyzed the massive star population of the Virgo Cluster galaxy NGC 4535 using archival Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 images in filters F555W and...
  • Stellar population of the Arches cluster

    Located within the central region of the Galaxy, the Arches cluster appears to be one of the youngest, densest, and most massive stellar aggregates within the Milky Way. As...
  • Photometry of stars in the LeoA HST WFC3 field

    LeoA is an isolated gas-rich dwarf irregular galaxy of low stellar mass and metallicity residing at the outskirts of the Local Group. Ages of the stellar populations in LeoA...
  • Properties of galactic PNe central stars

    We have obtained multi-wavelength observations of compact Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe) to probe post-asymptotic giant branch (AGB) evolution from the onset of nebular...
  • MUSE 3D view of HDF-S

    We observed Hubble Deep Field South with the new panoramic integral-field spectrograph MUSE that we built and have just commissioned at the VLT. The data cube resulting from 27h...
  • SagDIG carbon and oxygen stars

    The Sagittarius dwarf irregular (also known as SagDIG or UKS 1927-177) is a gas-rich, low-metallicity and star-forming galaxy, at the outskirts (D~1.1Mpc) of the Local Group....
  • HST photometry in NGC 6822

    We present a detailed photometric study of the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822 aimed at investigating the properties of its stellar populations, and in particular, the presence...
  • CLASH. Photometric + photo-z catalog

    The Cluster Lensing And Supernovae survey with Hubble (CLASH) is a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Multi-Cycle Treasury programme that observes 25 massive galaxy clusters, 20 of...
  • HST photometry of Sculptor group dwarf galaxies

    We focus on the resolved stellar populations of one early-type and four transition-type dwarf galaxies in the Sculptor group, with the aim to examine the potential presence of...
  • Position and photometry of stars in SDIG

    We study the resolved stellar populations and derive the star formation history of the Sculptor dwarf irregular galaxy (SDIG), a gas-rich dwarf galaxy member of the NGC 7793...
  • HST photometry in NGC 6822

    On the basis of a new photometric analysis of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NCG 6822 based on observations obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys onboard the...
  • HST photometry of M31 globular clusters

    We have derived a new calibration of the MV(HB)-[Fe/H] relation by exploiting the large photometric database of old GCs in M31 in the HST archive. We collected BVI data for 48...
  • RR Lyr variable stars in M32

    Using archival multi-epoch ACS/WFC images in the F606W and F814W filters of a resolved stellar field in Local Group dwarf elliptical galaxy M 32 we have made an accurate...
  • 8.6um imaging of 47 Tuc

    There is an ongoing debate regarding the onset luminosity of dusty mass loss in population-II red giant stars. We present VLT/VISIR mid-infrared (MIR) 8.6um imaging of 47 Tuc,...
  • HST/NICMOS III imaging in Orion Nebula Cluster

    We present deep HST/NICMOS Camera 3 F110W and F160W imaging of a 26'x33', corresponding to 3.1x3.8pc^2^, non-contiguous field towards the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). The main...
  • VI HST photometry of VV124 = UGC4879

    We present deep V and I photometry of the isolated dwarf galaxy VV124=UGC4879, obtained from archival images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope - Advanced Camera for Surveys....
  • HST photometry in extragalactic star clusters

    We present colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) for a sample of seven young massive clusters in the galaxies NGC 1313, NGC 1569, NGC 1705 and NGC 5236. The clusters have ages in the...
  • HST photometry in six M31 globular clusters

    We present deep (V~28.0) BV photometry obtained with the wide field channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on board HST for four M31 globular clusters that were identified...
  • Photometry of star clusters in 5 nearby gal.

    Recent studies have started to cast doubt on the assumption that most stars are formed in clusters. Observational studies of field stars and star cluster systems in nearby...
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