Benthic invertebrates abundance data from French REBENT network
French benthic invertebrates composition and abundance taxa data are collected during REBENT monitoring surveys on the English Channel / Bay of Biscay coasts and during RSLFAU... -
Cetacean strandings in the northern Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
More than 1220 strandings of Black Sea cetaceans have been recorded on the coasts of Crimea peninsula during the period from 1989-2010. -
Historical benthos data from the Romanian Black Sea Coast between 1954 and 1968
The dataset comprises data on the substrate type, temperature, salinity and benthos from 567 samples colected in Romanian Black Sea Shelf, in the period 16.04.1954 - 14.02.1968.... -
Benthos Cretan Continental Shelf
This dataset is part of a national project on the consequences of the Navarino Oil spill, in 1994 at the Gialova Lagoon, Ionian Sea. The Cretan coasts were studied from May... -
Phytoplankton of coastal waters in Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, 2002-2003
This dataset contains abundance data of phytoplankton species (diatoms, dinoflagellates and coccolithophores) collected in four eutrophic gulfs of the Aegean Sea, Eastern... -
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Marine Chelicerata Collection (ch...
The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Marine Chelicerata Collection contains 443 digitised specimens over 30 taxa (mostly species). This dataset only contains the... -
PANGAEA - Data from Global environmental change: the Northern North Atlantic
This dataset contains data from the DFG Research Project SFB313 "Global Environmental Change: The Northern North Atlantic". These data are derived from PANGAEA. -
ClimateFish: A database to track the abundance of selected coastal fish speci...
The ClimateFish database collates abundance data of 15 fish species proposed as candidate indicators of climate change in the Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected according to... -
HMAP Dataset 01: SE Australian Trawl Fishery I: Fish (various) landings and f...
Historical data relating to the South East Fishery (SEF), time period 1918-1923. -
MAREANO - Base-line mapping of hyperbenthic crustacea fauna obtained with RP-...
Hyperbenthic decanted crustacea collected with Rothlisberg-Piercy sledge, hauls 5-10 min bottomtime. All samples after 2012 are preserved on board in ethanol. Taxa identified as... -
Biological dataset for Pagrus pagrus fished along Southern Brazil
The data were obtained from a regular sampling program of industrial fisheries landings in Rio Grande, southern Brazil. The dataset presented is composed of: Fishing gear with... -
Kongsfjorden monitoring data - grid - 2006
In 1997 and 1998 soft-bottom fauna of the arctic glacial fjord Kongsfjorden was extensively sampled and major communities were identified along the fjord axis, which were... -
Natural geography in shore areas
This dataset provides data collected during the Natural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) quantitative global nearshore census. -
Dutch national shellfish monitoring in the coastal zone
Every year, Wageningen Marine Research carries out shellfish surveys in the Dutch coastal waters (Wadden Sea, Oosterschelde, Westerschelde and Coastal Zone), investigating the... -
Zoological collections of the university of León: Malacostraca collection
Malacostraca collected for different research projects mostly from the intertidal zone of the Atlantic and Cantabric coast. -
PANGAEA - Data from marine animal ecology @ AWI
This dataset contains data from marine animal ecology from the AWI. These data are derived from PANGAEA. -
Red king crab survey data from Finnmark Northern Norway in the period 1994 -2016
The dataset contains sampling of red king crab for a long period. The data has been sampled with trawl and traps, and the sampling has been conducted mostly during the autumn. -
Microzooplankton monitoring in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto. 2013-2014
Microzooplankton monitoring in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto, 2013-2014 in the framework of the Italian flagship project RITMARE. -
Phyto- and microzooplankton in mussel farms - North Adriatic Sea (SosteMiTS P...
Phytoplankton and microzooplankton collected near mussel farm activities in the Gulf of Trieste - North Adriatic Sea in the framework of sosteMiTS Project financed by Friuli... -
The original dataset objective was the investigation of macrozoobenthos assemblages structure and condition under persistent technogenic impact