(Table 3a and b) Median biomass of macrobenthos in surface sediments
original data given as biomasses (mg wet weight) per 0.02 m**2 -
(Table 2a and b) Median abundances of macrobenthos in surface sediments
original data given as abundance per 0.02 m*2, () in the original table are replaced by the author later -
(Table 2c) Percentages of energy flow of macrobenthos species in samples from...
This dataset has no description
(Table 2b) Biomass of macrobenthos species in samples from Cruise AMK54 stati...
This dataset has no description
(Table 2a) Abundance of macrobenthos species in samples from Cruise AMK54 sta...
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Total wet mass of benthos during YASNOGORSK cruise 90WKC390
This dataset has no description
Total wet mass of benthos during POMOR cruise 9038C720
This dataset has no description
Total wet mass of benthos during POMOR cruise 9038B970
This dataset has no description
Total counts of benthos during POMOR cruise 9038B970
This dataset has no description
Total counts of benthos during YASNOGORSK cruise 90WKC390
This dataset has no description
Total counts of benthos during POMOR cruise 9038C720
This dataset has no description
Biomass of benthos during YASNOGORSK cruise 90WKC390
This dataset has no description
Biomass of benthos during POMOR cruise 9038C720
This dataset has no description
Biomass of benthos during POMOR cruise 9038B970
This dataset has no description
Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled ...
Data were provided through and converted from Schlüter, M & Jerosch, K (2009) Digital Atlas of the North Sea, hdl:10013/epic.34893.d001 (pdf 3.7 MB).