Cap Protéines : Cultures Fourragères Estivales (CFE)
Ce jeu de donnée contient les données brutes de l'essai Cap Proteines volet elevage_Cultures Fourragères Estivales (CFE). Cet essai en bloc randomisé, a été répété deux années... -
Dataset for common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain and flour characterizat...
As global warming and changing market demands reshape agricultural practices, optimising the quality and utility of crop products, particularly wheat, is becoming increasingly... -
Supplementary Tables for the Thesis of Baptiste Imbert
The dataset includes Supplementary Tables for the Thesis of Baptiste Imbert. The tables of two manuscripts are available: (1) Imbert, B et al. (2023). “Development of a... -
Plant Data publication good practices for data.inrae.fr/dataverse/urgi
Those guideline describe the good practices for data submission in the URGI dataverse on data.inrae.fr. They ensure maximum long term visibility, findability and reusability of... -
Phenotyping data for "Linkage mapping of biomass production and composition t...
Phenotyping data for "Linkage mapping of biomass production and composition traits in a Miscanthus sinensis population" -
Supplemental Data of: Long-term farming systems and last crop sown shape the ...
Species diversity descriptors (abundance, species richnnes, Shannon’s diversity index and Pielou’s evenness index) and functional diversity descriptors (functional richness,... -
Microbial conversion of agroindustrial by-products by Rhizopus oryzae solid-s...
Includes the experimental resume of the effect of soli-state fermentation of different agroindustrial by-products by Rhizopus oryzae. The data include the initial source,... -
Replication data for: Protein hydrolysis of Camelina sativa meals: A study of...
The data include the protein hydrolysates production results (weight yield, crude protein content, protein yield, total amino acids and amino acids yield), protein hydrolysates... -
Replication Data for: Candidate markers for enhanced host response to PRRS ha...
This dataset contains genotypes for seven candidate genetic markers for the host response to PRRS and phenotypes of commercial pigs. -
Data of oleogels in terms of thermal and textural properties and oil binding ...
Each Excel file contains a brief description of the data. The thermal properties of the (≈ 10 mg) oleogels were measured by differential scanning calorimetry (Mettler-Toledo,... -
Oviposition response of three tortricid moth to gustatory stimuli
This dataset contains data and R script for statistical analysis and graphics presented in the publication related to this data set (Amat et al 2023. XXXXX). The data cointained... -
Accumulation of bioactive compounds in food barley grains under two contrasti...
The data reported in the dataset refers to accumulation of dry matter, β-glucans, arabinoxylans, phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in the course of grain filling for... -
Quantification of chemical components present in phellem and phelloderm + plh...
The dataset contains the chemical composition (water content, fiber, six carbohydrates, total proteins, organic matter, and lignin) of the subcortical tissues (phellem and... -
Characterization of gustatory sensilla chaetica in three moth species
This dataset contains data and R script for statistical analysis and graphics presented in the publication related to this data set (Amat et al 2022. Gustatory function of... -
Replication Data for: Transfer of deoxynivalenol and fumonisins B1 and B2 fro...
This dataset contains the raw data obtained after the analysis of the experimental samples, by HPLC-DAD (for DON) and HPLC-FLD (for FBs), in different stages of the breadmaking... -
Replication Data for: Impact of processing parameters and formulation on deox...
Oat-based beverage physicochemical characteristics, DON transfer from oat flour to the oat-based beverages, method validation, statistics values, DON final concentration of the... -
Replication Data for: Quantification and classification of deoxynivalenol-con...
Reflectance data (NIR region, 893-1731 nm) for different samples of oats (whole and ground) are provided. Also, DON concentration of that samples and if they are above (U) or... -
Replication Data for: NIR-HSI as a tool to predict deoxynivalenol and fumonis...
Reflectance data for different samples of maize kernels are provided. Concentration of deoxynivalenol and fumonisins determined by HPLC-DAD and HPLC-fluorescence, and raw... -
Replication Data for: Influence of Agronomic Factors on Mycotoxin Contaminati...
Maize from different maturity groups (short cycle vs long cycle), N fertilization rate (no fertilization vs high fertilization) and tillage systems (intensive tillage vs direct... -
Chemical composition and near-infrared spectra of cow milk
This dataset includes information on 333 cow individual milk samples from Holstein-Friesian, crossbreed and Rendena breeds from 6 commercial multi-breed herds located in the...