A Test of Mechanical Ambiguity [Dataset]
We implement an experiment to elicit subjects’ ambiguity attitudes in the spirit of Ellsberg's three-color urn. The procedure includes three design elements that (together) have... -
Women can´t jump?—An experiment on competitive attitudes and stereotype threa...
Gneezy et al. (2003) offer a partial explanation for the wage gap between men and women. In an experiment they found that women react less to competitive incentives. The task... -
Reciprocity in Labor Market Relationships: Evidence from an Experiment Across...
We study reciprocity in the labor market context. To this end, we conducted a bilateral gift exchange experiment comparing behavior of subjects from five high-income OECD... -
The gender wage gap in experimental labor markets [Dataset]
We analyze the gender wage gap in experimental markets. Women receive but do not request significantly lower wages than men. This hurts firms, as women react with low effort.... -
On the role of social wage comparisons in gift-exchange experiments [Dataset]
This study extends a bilateral gift-exchange experiment by Clark et al. (2010). We investigate how the provision of either quantitative or qualitative information on the average... -
Why do people keep their promises? An experimental test of two explanations
Numerous psychological and economic experiments have shown that the exchange of promises greatly enhances cooperative behavior in experimental games. This paper seeks to test... -
Rage Against the Machines: How Subjects Learn to Play Against Computers [Data...
We use a large-scale internet experiment to explore how subjects learn to play against computers that are programmed to follow one of a number of standard learning algorithms.... -
How do subjects view multiple sources of ambiguity? [Dataset]
As illustrated by the famous Ellsberg paradox, many subjects prefer to bet on events with known rather than with unknown probabilities, i.e., they are ambiguity averse. In an... -
Imitation and the Evolution of Walrasian Behavior: Theoretically Fragile but ...
A well-known result by Vega-Redondo (1997) [18] implies that in symmetric Cournot oligopolies, imitation leads to the Walrasian outcome. We show that this result is not robust... -
Imitation - Theory and Experimental Evidence [Dataset]
We introduce a generalized theoretical approach to study imitation and subject it to rigorous experimental testing. In our theoretical analysis we find that the different... -
Hierarchy, Coercion, and Exploitation: An Experimental Analysis [Dataset]
The power to coerce workers is important for the efficient operation of hierarchically structured organizations. However, this power can also be used by managers to exploit... -
Ambiguity attitudes [Supplemental material]
The handbook chapter reviews experimental methods to measure ambiguity attitudes, as well as the recent experimental evidence regarding these attitudes. The data file contains... -
Higher Order Risk Attitudes, Demographics, and Financial Decisions [Dataset]
We study the prevalence of the higher order risk attitudes of prudence and temperance in an experiment with a large demographically representative sample of participants. Under... -
Belief Elicitation: A Horse Race among Truth Serums [Dataset]
We pit non-incentivized introspection against five revealed preference mechanisms (“truth serums”) in the elicitation of beliefs in a simple two-player game. We measure the... -
Oligopoly limit-pricing in the lab [Dataset]
We examine the behavior of senders and receivers in the context of oligopoly limit pricing experiments in which high prices chosen by two privately informed incumbents may...