ARGUS Commisioning
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Determination of muon stopping sites and electronic structures in proteins
In order to explore the electron-transfer process in life science, we have been carrying out muSR studies based upon electron labeling mechanisms on a protein, cytochrome c,... -
Oxygen stoichiometry and its relation to the magnetic correlation YBa2Cu3O6+x...
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Investigation of Depth Dependent Magnetic Ordering and its Links to Compositi...
PFN is a magnetic piezoelectric. The experiment plans to characterize the magnetic order with muons on PFN. We have previously used negative muons on Chronus to show an iron... -
muSR study of quantum atomic deuterium/hydrogen and their critical slowing be...
Recently we found by muSR that the deuterium (D) atoms in the new ferroelectric compound Co2(OD)3Cl were quantum atomic and showed a critical slowing down with Tc=230 K, which... -
Spin Dynamics driven by p-orbital in Alkali Metal Superoxide
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Exploration for Spin Liquid State in Spinel Titanates
We explore for the spin liquid state. Recently, the theoretical studies suggest that not only the frustrated lattice but also a structural fluctuation and disorder are important... -
Magnetism of an insulator phase near high-Tc honeycomb lattice superconductin...
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Spin dynamics in the new spin ice candidate Nd2Pt2O7
Most of Nd-pyrochlores show all-in-all-out long-ranged order ground state at low temperatures. Nd2Zr2O7 reveals magnetic fragmentation in the spin ice state, and its... -
Developing QLCR spectroscopy as a muSR tool
Quadrupolar level crossing resonance (QLCR) in muSR of solid state systems with diamagnetic muon states in proximity to quadrupolar nuclei was discovered many years ago, however... -
mSR Study on the Electronic States of Heavily Doped Synthesis Diamonds
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Investigating the Magnetic Ground State of Hole Doped Pyrochlore Ruthenates (...
We propose to clarify the magnetic properties of (Nd1-xCax)2Ru2O7 by using muSR. Previous result of ZF-muSR for x = 0 and 0.15 showed that there is a magnetic ordered state... -
Microscopic conduction study on phenylacetylene capped silicon nanoparticles ...
In order to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, and to meet the UK's commitment of a reduction of 80% by 2050, it is necessary to make major advances in efficient, clean and... -
Using QLCR to Study Stopping Sites in Molecular Solids
Muon nuclear quadrupolar level crossing resonance is not a well-known technique, however it is extremely powerful. There is a large interest in probing the muon stopping site... -
Muoniated Radical Formation on TIPS-pentacene Molecule in Low-temperature Sol...
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Determination of the Magnetic Properties of LaFeAs1-xPxO Across Multiple Magn...
LaFeAs1-xPxO has recently been proposed to display unusual properties as a function of P doping with two distinct superconducting (SC) domes separated by a possible AFM phase as... -
Nature of non-magnetic ground state of In2Ru2O7 probed by muon spin rotation
Complex ruthenium oxides offer a variety of exotic electronic states, such as spin-triplet superconductivity, metal-insulator transition and spin-orbital ordering. We discovered... -
Electron Transport Studies in Biological Molecules with respect to the Scienc...
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A Static Magnetic Order in Nano-size Au clusters probed by mSR
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Muon Spin Relaxation studies of quantum critical spin fluctuations in CeCo1-x...
Recently, we have studied new doped alloys CeCo1-xNixIn5 for the first time. The substitution of Ni for Co simply suppresses the superconducting phase without generating...