Geochemical data from the Ebberston 87 Core (Cleveland Basin, Yorkshire, UK)
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Secondary standards for major oxide concentrations of individual glass tephra...
Secondary standards of Lipari, BCR-2Ga, ML3B-G, StHS6/80-G, and Old Crow for major element oxide tephra glass analyses obtained from individual glass shards from samples... -
Major oxide concentrations of individual glass tephra shards from the Greenla...
Major oxide concentrations of individual glass tephra shards from tephra deposits in the Greenland TUNU2013 [78.04°N/33.88°W] and Summit2023 [72.6°N/38.3°W] ice cores. Deposits... -
Geochemical data from the Ebberston 87 Core (Cleveland Basin, Yorkshire, UK)
The Ebberston 87 Core, drilled in the Cleveland Basin (Yorkshire, UK), was sampled between the Pectinatus wheatleyensis and Pectinatus pectinatus ammonite zones (Tithonian, Late... -
Supplementary Data for "Geochemistry and petrogenesis of silicic ignimbrites ...
Supplementary datasets and figures for the Alnsjo area north of Oslo. Location data for samples used in geochemical analyses are provided in supplementary information 1.... -
Analytical quality control parameters for reference materials used to calibra...
The GLITTER software package was used for raw data reduction, applying initial calibration with NIST-SRM612 as the primary standard, using CaO g/100g for the internal count to... -
LA-ICP-MS singlespot, median and standard deviation for 29 trace elements inc...
For in situ analysis of 29 trace elements, carried out at the LA-ICP-MS lab of the Institute of Geosciences at Kiel University, a 193nm ArF-exciplex laser ablation system... -
EPMA major element data for core and rim compositions of plagioclase
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Petrographic key parameters, modal proportions, amount of alteration and prin...
We have selected 39 gabbro samples from the Wadi Gideah Transect sample suite, representing a full coherent crustal profile from the Moho transition zone (MTZ) to the... -
EPMA major element data for core and rim compositions of clinopyroxene
The main part of major element concentrations was measured at the Institute of Mineralogy of the University of Hannover using a Cameca SX100 electron microprobe operated through... -
Chemical composition and Sr, Nd, Pb isotope ratios of mafic igneous rocks fro...
The sampling area is located east (E-domain) and west (W-domain) of the Münchberg gneiss massif, NE Bavaria. Germany. Major and trace element compositions and Sr, Nd, and Pb... -
Whole rock geochemical data from the Mourne Mountains, NI
The Hyperspectral Analysis of the Mourne Mountains (HAMM) project was undertaken from 2020-2022 in Northern Ireland to integrate spectral, geochemical, and remote sensing data... -
Petrographic key parameter, EPMA data, LA-ICP-MS data, for plagioclase and cl...
Here we present a profile of 39 gabbros through the plutonic section of the Oman ophiolite paleocrust (Wadi Gideah Transect; Wadi Tayin block). Major and trace element core... -
Radiochemical data for layers inside a buried manganese nodule from core CH71...
Radiochemical analyses have been performed on micro-samples extracted from various surface and inside layers of a buried manganese nodule recovered from core CH71-09 at a depth... -
Radiochemical data for sediments of cores CH71-08 and CH71-09, HARMATTAN camp...
Radiochemical analyses have been performed on 500 mg of each carbonate rich sediment sample (i.d., carbonaceous clay or mud) and 2 g for carbonate devoid samples (i.d.,... -
Whole rock trace element compositions of samples recovered at Hole CM1A
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Major element compositions of Hole CM2B
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Major element compositions of Hole CM1A
Total carbon (wt.% oxides), hydrogen (wt.% oxides) and sulfur (wt.% oxides) compositions were measured by CHNS and inorganic carbon by coulometry on-board D/V Chikyu. Major... -
Modes calculated on a Cr and spinel-free basis of Hole CM2B
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Modes calculated on a Cr and spinel-free basis of Hole CM1A
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