As part of the evaluation of the Federal programme on equal opportunities for women and men at the universities (2008-2011), a questionnaire on the subject of “Academic career,... -
Difficultés financières des femmes à Genève - 1990
The survey aims to identify the characteristics of poor women and to paint a picture of their situation. It focuses on socio-demographic characteristics, financial conditions... -
LIVES-Jobvul strives for a better understanding of labour market outcomes by surveying recruiters. Its aim is to provide data on the demand-side of the Swiss labour market,... -
GESIS Panel - Extended Edition
The GESIS Panel provides a probability-based mixed-mode access panel infrastructure located at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. The project... -
GESIS Panel - Standard Edition
The GESIS Panel provides a probability-based mixed-mode access panel infrastructure located at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. The project... -
OSCE-led Survey on the Well-being and Safety of Women in South-East Europe an...
The main goal of the study is to examine the prevalence of violence against women and girls and its consequences on women’s health and well-being for the purposes of... -
Japanese General Social Survey 2008 (JGSS 2008)
Description of the situation in family, everyday life, home and living environment. Gender role. Health. Knowledge of foreign languages. Occupation. Political issues. 1.... -
Japanese General Social Survey 2010 (JGSS 2010)
Description of the situation in family, everyday life, home and living environment. Gender role. Health. Knowledge of foreign languages. Occupation. Political issues. 1.... -
AGIPEB - Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit. Analyse geplanter Institutionalis...
The project investigates the process of institutionalisation and stabilisation of partnerships under the influence of precarious employment relationships in Germany. The focus... -
GESIS Online Panel Pilot: Family life (survey 3)
Family life. This study number comprises the data collected during the so called main studies. The main studies represent three surveys which have partially been used for... -
GESIS Online Panel Pilot: Multitopic with focus on personality (survey 8)
Family. Democracy. Attitude towards immigrants. Value orientation. Personality. General knowledge. This study number comprises the data collected during the so called main... -
Graduation Study 2010 (Gymnasiasten-Studie, Fourth Wave)
Panel data on private and occupational life courses and personal attitudes (Gymnasiasten-Studie, Fourth wave). Topics: 1. Education: highest educational degree; time received... -
Flash Eurobarometer 371 (Women in the EU)
Women in the EU. Topics: areas most impacted by the crisis: pay gap between women and men and career development, people working in jobs that do not correspond to their level of... -
Flash Eurobarometer 372 (Women in Developing Countries)
Views on the situation of women in developing countries. Topics: gender equality improves the way societies function; all aid programmes for developing countries should take... -
International Social Survey Programme: Family and Changing Gender Roles IV - ...
The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is a continuous programme of cross-national collaboration running annual surveys on topics important for the social sciences.... -
Eurobarometer 82.4 (2014)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Women and Parties in German Assemblies (WaP)
The project “The Electoral Success of Women across Different Levels of Government” funded by the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung investigated the patterns of women’s representation in... -
Partner Study III - Homosexual Women 1991/93
Problems of daily life of lesbian women in Eastern Germany. Attitudes and conduct in love and partner relations. Topics: Belief in the "great love"; age at first lesbian... -
Partner III - Homosexuality 1990
Problems of daily life of homosexuals. Topics: Moral orientations on structuring life; structuring one's own partner relation; leisure and social activities; personal... -
Young People and Scientific-Technical Revolution 1987
Goals in life, occupational perspectives, attitude and conduct on science and technology, conditions of work activity, leisure interests and extent. Supplemental form for...