(Table S4) Local extraterrestrial 3He flux at OPD Hole 208-1266C ODP Site 208...
Sediment depth is given in mcd. Dry bulk density values are determined from high-resolution shipboard GRA bulk density values using the relationship between bulk density, BD,... -
(Table S3) Helium isotopic data and He-based age model from ODP Site 208-1266B
Sediment depth is given in mcd. -
Helium concentrations of ODP Hole 121-757B
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(Table 3) Concentrations and isotopic composition of helium from fluid inclus...
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(Appendix 1) Helium isotopic ratios and sedimentation rate model of ODP Hole ...
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(Appendix 1) Helium isotopic ratios and sedimentation rate model of ODP Hole ...
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(Table 3) Noble gas concentrations of oceanic sediments
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(Table 2) Noble gas concentrations of old oceanic crust
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(Table 1) Average extraterrestrial 3He concentrations, ages and mass accumula...
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(Appendix B) Helium isotope concentrations and ratios in replicated bulk sedi...
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(Appendix A) Helium isotope concentrations and ratios for leached replicates ...
To maximize the size of the samples analyzed, aliquots of 2 to 3 g were leached in 10% acetic acid for 6 h to remove CaCO3. This resulted in residues of about 250 mg of... -
(Table 1) Isotopic composition of noble gases from metasediments
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(Table 1) CaCO3 and He concentrations in sediment core TTN13-72
The availability of CaCO3 and 3He content results for core TT 13-72 from 4.3 km depth in the equatorial Pacific (Marcantonio et al., 1996, doi:10.1038/383705a0) allows the... -
(Table 1) Helium and Thorium 230 excess concentrations in sediment cores B18 ...
At four sites in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean the flux of extraterrestrial 3He, determined using the excess 230Th profiling method, is 8 * 10-13 cm3 STP/cm**2/ka. This... -
(Table 1) Helium isotope ratios of sediment core TT013_114
We present a helium isotope record for core TT013-114PC from the central equatorial Pacific (140°W, 4°N, 4432 m water depth) spanning a period of 1 million years. We focus on... -
(Table 1) Helium isotope ratio of ODP Site 198-1209 sediments
We attempt to constrain the variability of the flux of extraterrestrial 3He in the Paleocene by studying sediments from Shatsky Rise (Ocean Drilling Program, ODP Leg 198) that... -
(Table 1) Helium concentration and flux in DSDP Hole 94-607 samples
Most of the helium-3 in oceanic sediments conies from interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), and can therefore be used to infer the accretion rate of dust to the Earth through... -
STEIN - Stochastic erosion in-situ cosmogenic nuclide model
The stochastic erosion in-situ cosmogenic nuclide model is a 1D numerical model that simulates the evolution of the concentrations of in situ-produced Be-10, C-14, and He-3...