Physical oceanography and current meter data from mooring TR_RCM1a at Tisler ...
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Physical oceanography from mooring TR_Micro5 at Tisler Cold-Water Coral Reef,...
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Physical oceanography from mooring TR_Micro4 at Tisler Cold-Water Coral Reef,...
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Physical oceanography from mooring TR_Micro3 at Tisler Cold-Water Coral Reef,...
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Physical oceanography from mooring MOOR3 at Tisler Cold-Water Coral Reef, Norway
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Physical oceanography from mooring MOOR2 at Tisler Cold-Water Coral Reef, Norway
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Physical oceanography from mooring MOOR1SE at Tisler Cold-Water Coral Reef, N...
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Physical oceanography from mooring MOOR1NW at Tisler Cold-Water Coral Reef, N...
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Distribution of marine litter at bathyal and abyssal depths in the Mediterran...
Litter data is standardised by sampled area and provided in kg/km**2 -
Distribution of marine litter at bathyal and abyssal depths in the Mediterran...
The distribution, type and quantity of marine litter accumulated on the bathyal and abyssal Mediterranean seafloor has been studied in the framework of the Spanish national... -
Bacterial sequence information wood colonization experiment during RV Meteor ...
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Total benthic oxygen uptake at wood colonization experiments (Wood-1 & Wood-5)
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Ex-situ microsensor measurements of oxygen, sulfide, and pH in a sediment cor...
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Ex-situ microsensor measurements of oxygen, sulfide, and pH in a sediment cor...
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Ex-situ microsensor measurements of oxygen, sulfide, and pH in a sediment cor...
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Ex-situ microsensor measurements of oxygen, sulfide, and pH in a sediment cor...
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Dissolved organic carbon and dissolved nitrogen concentration in sediments as...
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Harpacticoid species counts from various box corer samples of cold-water cora...
Harpacticoid densities as individuals/10 cm**2 for sediment samples and individuals/100 ml for coral samples -
Copepod order counts from various box corer samples of cold-water coral subst...
Copepod densities as individuals/10 cm**2 for sediment samples and individuals/100 ml for coral samples -
Sea-floor videos along ROV profile B08-05 from the Bay of Biscay with links t...
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