Spatial distribution of the macrobenthic fauna in Laki Lagoon (Evros Delta, N...
The dataset contains biotic data from different stations in the Laki lagoon in the Ervos Delta in Southeast Greece. It contains presence/absence data for 15 species at stations... -
Monthly variation in the macrozoobenthic community structure in Laki Lagoon (...
This dataset data from montly benthos sampling in 1998 at 1 station in the Laki lagoon in the Ervos Delta. The presence of the encoutered taxa was recourded aswel as the depth,... -
Study of epifauna and meiobenthos using field exclusion experiments in a <...
Abiotic parameters and densities of meiofauna taxa at several depths in the cages, partial cages and blanco's of an <i>Avicennia marina</i> and <i>Ceriops... -
Manipulative field experiment to study the predation by epibenthos on infauna...
Abiotic and biotic parameters measured in a field experiment to investigate the effect of predation by epibenthos on infaunal macrobenthos of a <i>Ceriops tagal</i>... -
Explore Your Shore
Marine Species Records submitted to the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s Citizen Science Portal from 01/01/2019 onwards -
Seasonal fluctuation of the meiobenthos community in <i>Avicennia marin...
Densities of the most important meiobenthos phyla in an <i>Avicennia marina</i> mangrove sediment in Gazi Bay (Kenya) together with the sediment environmental data.... -
Monthly variation in the macrozoobenthic community structure in Monolimni Lag...
The dataset contains data on the presence of macrobenthos from 2 stations in the Monolmni Lagoon in the Ervos Delta which were sampled monthly in 1998. -
Marine data from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Technical Support (Research &a...
This dataset is comprised of marine benthic surveys created by Natural Resources Wales' (and previously the Countryside Council for Wales') technical support (research and... -
Abundance (raw counts) of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and dinoflagellate ...
This dataset has no description
Abundance (raw counts) of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and dinoflagellate ...
This dataset has no description
Abundance (raw counts) of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and dinoflagellate ...
This dataset has no description
SHARK - Regional monitoring, recipient control and monitoring projects of zoo...
<para>Zoobenthos have been regionally monitored in Sweden since 1972. The monitoring is financed by the Swedish county administration boards, Swedish municipalities,... -
Insect communities Metagenome
Ultra-deep sequencing enables high-fidelity recovery of biodiversity for bulk arthropod samples without PCR amplification. Insect communities collected from a terrestrial,... -
Spatial distribution of the macrobenthic fauna in Laki Lagoon (Evros Delta, N...
The dataset contains biotic data from different stations in the Laki lagoon in the Ervos Delta in Southeast Greece. It contains presence/absence data for 15 species at stations... -
Study of epifauna and meiobenthos using field exclusion experiments in a Ceri...
Abiotic parameters and densities of meiofauna taxa at several depths in the cages, partial cages and blanco's of an <i>Avicennia marina</i> and <i>Ceriops... -
Marine species data for Scottish waters held and managed by Scottish Natural ...
The dataset comprises: species records from benthic surveys commissioned by SNH or projects where SNH were a partner and the outputs are under the custodianship of SNH.... -
Manipulative field experiment to study the predation by epibenthos on infauna...
Abiotic and biotic parameters measured in a field experiment to investigate the effect of predation by epibenthos on infaunal macrobenthos of a <i>Ceriops tagal</i>... -
An experimental approach to study epi-and infauna of mangrove forests in Gazi...
Meiobenthos densities and abiotic parameters measured during a cage experiment in an <i>Avicennia marina</i> and <i>Ceriops tagal</i> forest sampled... -
Explore Your Shore
Marine Species Records submitted to the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s Citizen Science Portal from 01/01/2019 onwards -
Seasonal fluctuation of the meiobenthos community in Avicennia marina mangrov...
Densities of the most important meiobenthos phyla in an <i>Avicennia marina</i> mangrove sediment in Gazi Bay (Kenya) together with the sediment environmental data....