Svensk-finsk ordlista: vårdnadsutredning
Swedish - Finnish glossary with custody enquiry words. Published in Kieliviesti 4/2007. Contains approximately 150 entries. 2007. Svensk-sverigefinsk ordlista med... -
Lokala problem, brott och trygghet i Gävleborgs län
This study is a collaboration between Stockholm University and Gävleborg Police District. The overreaching aim of the study is to improve the ability to plan and execute crime... -
Översättningsminnen Konkurrensverket
Translation memories extracted by Tilde (www.tilde.com) from the data i Texts from the Swedish Competition Agency Översättningsminnen utvunna av Tilde (www.tilde.com) ur datan i... -
Texter från Konsumentverket
Parallel texts downloaded from the website, hallåkonsument.se, run by of the Swedish Consumer Agency. Parallella texter nedladdade från webbplatsen hallåkonsument.se som drivs... -
Texter från Domstolsverket/Rättshjälpsmyndigheten
Parallel texts downloaded from the websites of the Swedish Courts. Parallella texter nedladdade från Domstolsverkets och Rättshjälpsmyndighetens webbplatser Multilingual... -
Texter från Konkurrensverket
Texts collected from the Swedish Competition Authority's website around March 2018. The texts are yearly reviews and other public information from this authority. Texter... -
Kränkning och upprättelse. En rättssociologisk studie av kränkningsersättning...
The thesis takes its starting point in the question of how damages for violation of crime is determined. This type of non-pecuniary damages to crime victims has a fundamental... -
Kränkning och upprättelse. En rättssociologisk studie av kränkningsersättning...
This study is a replication of an original study that was published about 10 years ago in 2012 in the doctoral dissertation "Violation and Satisfaction: A Sociology of Law Study...