Abundance of early stages of mesopelagic fish through the water column and di...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of early stages of fishes collected in April 2015 across the tropical and equatorial Atlantic. Eleven stations were sampled both... -
Abundance of mesopelagic fish through the water column and diel patterns in t...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of mesopelagic fishes collected in April 2015 across the tropical and equatorial Atlantic. Twelve stations were visited day and... -
Abundance and biomass of macrofauna in the German Bight from 2016 to 2019
The long-term ecological research benthic monitoring comprises four representative permanent stations (SSd, Slt, FSd and WB) that have been sampled countinuously since 1969. The... -
Abundance and biomass of macrofauna in the German Bight from 2001 to 2011
The long-term ecological research benthic monitoring comprises four representative permanent stations (SSd, Slt, FSd and WB) that have been sampled countinuously since 1969. The... -
Length of prey items found in the stomach of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) fro...
This file contains length measurements performed on prey items found in the stomach content of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) caught from underneath the sea ice of the central... -
Prey capture rates of experiment with different life stages of the cold-water...
We conducted a long-term (6 months) aquarium experiment with the cold-water coral Caryophyllia huinayensis to investigate the response of three different life stages to a... -
Mortality and food consumption of larval Black Soldier Fly Hermetia illucens ...
Hermetia illucens individuals were reared at the entomological facilities of the University of Milan (45°28'33.9N, 9°13'39.9E). The Black Soldier Flies (BSFs) used in this work... -
Larval and pupal fresh mass and adult dry mass of the Black Soldier Fly Herme...
Hermetia illucens individuals were reared at the entomological facilities of the University of Milan (45°28'33.9N, 9°13'39.9E). The Black Soldier Flies (BSFs) used in this work... -
Pupal and adult lengths of the Black Soldier Fly Hermetia illucens reared in ...
Hermetia illucens individuals were reared at the entomological facilities of the University of Milan (45°28'33.9N, 9°13'39.9E). The Black Soldier Flies (BSFs) used in this work... -
Gut physiology of larval Black Soldier Fly Hermetia illucens reared in the la...
Hermetia illucens individuals were reared at the entomological facilities of the University of Milan (45°28'33.9N, 9°13'39.9E). The Black Soldier Flies (BSFs) used in this work... -
Larval growth of the Black Soldier Fly Hermetia illucens reared in the labora...
Hermetia illucens individuals were reared at the entomological facilities of the University of Milan (45°28'33.9N, 9°13'39.9E). The Black Soldier Flies (BSFs) used in this work... -
Abundance of pelagic decapods in the northern Benguela upwelling system durin...
Pelagic decapods were collected in the northern Benguela upwelling system off the coast of Namibia on three cruises: FRS Africana (December 2009), RRS Discovery... -
Electron transport system (ETS) activity and respiration rates of pelagic dec...
According to Packard (1971) and Owens & King (1975), ETS activities of eight decapod species were measured with an optimised method for pelagic decapods:... -
Protein content of Calanus finmarchicus from the North Atlantic collected dur...
For the determination of water-soluble protein content of C. finmarchicus of the different stations the Qubit® Protein Assay Kit (Invitrogen) was used. Analysis was performed... -
Prosome length as well as carbon and nitrogen content of Calanus finmarchicus...
The prosome length of copepods from each station was measured on board with a dissecting microscope equipped with an ocular micrometer. Individuals were placed in pre-weighed... -
Enzyme activities of Calanus finmarchicus from the North Atlantic collected d...
The activities of proteinases, lipases/esterases and citrate synthase of Calanus finmarchicus copepodites (CV) were analysed. Analysis was performed at 30°C for copepods from... -
Respiration and ingestion rates of calanoid copepod in the northern Benguela ...
Respiration rates of 16 calanoid copepod species from the northern Benguela upwelling system were measured on board RRS Discovery in September/October 2010 to determine their... -
Abundance of larvae and transforming stages of mesopelagic fish collected at ...
This file contains data on numerical abundance of larvae and transforming stages of fishes collected during the CSIC-SUMMER survey carried out in October 2010 in five zones... -
Tissue carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus composition of Euphausia superba and S...
Samples were collected between 03/26/2018 and 04/27/2018 around the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula (63° 0' 1.843'' S, 60° 0' 16.901''W) onboard the RV Polarstern during... -
Gut carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus composition of Euphausia superba and Salp...
Samples were collected between 03/26/2018 and 04/27/2018 around the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula (63° 0' 1.843'' S, 60° 0' 16.901''W) onboard the RV Polarstern during...