Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea, Bosphorus area, Marmara Sea, A...
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea, Bosphorus area, Marmara Sea, Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Tunisian Strain, and Mediterranean Sea during 65 cruise of the R/V... -
Dutch long term monitoring of phytoplankton in the Dutch Continental Economic...
Long term measurements of phytoplankton composition in the Dutch national part of the North Sea. Samples were taken 12 - 24 times per year between 2000 and 2018 and analysed to... -
Phytoplankton samples collected near Sochi, Black Sea, in 1974-1975
Phytoplankton data collected by the IBSS staff near Sochi (Mamaika. Matsesta. Sochi river's mouth), Black Sea, during three surveys in 1974 and 1975. Samples were taken in the... -
Mesozooplankton abundance and biomass in Sevastopol Bay and inshore waters of...
The dataset contains the monitoring data on abundance and biomass of 26 mesozooplankton species and life stages in Sevastopol Bay and inshore waters off Crimean coast of the... -
Phytoplankton data from the Sukhumi region, Black Sea, collected in November ...
Phytoplankton data collected by the IBSS staff at diurnal stations in the Sukhumi region, Black Sea, in November 1948. This dataset contains abundance data (individuals per... -
Advanced Modelling and Research on Eutrophication Linking Eutrophication and ...
The AMORE-II research focused on establishing quantitative and qualitative links between nutrient enrichment, spreading of high-biomass algal blooms (Phaeocystis globosa but... -
Dutch long term monitoring of phytoplankton in the Dutch Continental Economic...
Long term measurements of phytoplankton composition in the Dutch national part of the North Sea. Samples were taken 12 - 24 times per year between 1990 and 1999 and analysed to... -
Phytoplankton data collected during cruises on the R/V Knipovich in 1948 and ...
Phytoplankton data collected by the IBSS staff on the R/V Knipovich in the Black Sea along the Yalta-Batumi transect during the cruise in August-September 1948, and along the... -
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea, Bosporus area during a cruise ...
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea and Bosporus area during a cruise of the R/V \"Mgla\", 1969 year and processed by Lyudmila Georgieva -
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea during the 4<sup><smal...
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea during the 4th cruise of the R/V \"Kiev\" and processed by Lyudmila Georgieva -
Phytoplankton data collected near Yalta, Black Sea, in June 1950
Phytoplankton data series collected by the IBSS staff at sample station 5 miles from Yalta, Black Sea, between 17-19 June 1950. This dataset contains abundance data (individuals... -
Long-term Monitoring of the Phytoplankton at the SOMLIT-Astan Station in the ...
The monitoring at station SOMLIT-Astan (north of Roscoff - France, Western English Channel) was designed to study long term changes in phytoplankton communities in a global... -
Phytoplankton collected in the Mediterranean Sea in 1959 on board the R/V Aka...
The data were collected by the IBSS staff at several stations in the Mediterranean Sea during a cruise with the R/V N. Akademik S. Vavilov in 1959. This dataset contains... -
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea in 1958
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea in 1958 and processed by Lyudmila Georgieva -
Phytoplankton data collected during R/V Issledovatel cruise in September 1948
Phytoplankton data collected by the IBSS staff on the R/V Issledovatel in several stations in the Black Sea during the cruise 1 in September 1948. This dataset contains... -
F.M.Ghazzawi (1939) Plankton of the Egyptian waters. A study of the Suez Cana...
A study of the plankton in the Suez Canal could throw some light from the explanatory point of view, on the distribution of the planktonic forms of the two different water... -
Phytoplankton data collected during R/V Issledovatel cruise in October 1948
Phytoplankton data collected by the IBSS staff on the R/V Issledovatel in several stations in the Black Sea during the cruise 1 in October 1948. This dataset contains abundance... -
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea during the 33<sup><sma...
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea during 33 cruise of the R/V \"Professor Kolesnikov\" and processed by Lyudmila Georgieva -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and ichthyotoxicity of the dinoflagellate Karlod...
The ichthyotoxic dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum has a worldwide distribution and produces highly potent lytic toxins (karlotoxins) that have been associated with massive... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth, chain length, silica content, and to...
Phytoplankton induce defensive traits in response to chemical alarm signals from grazing zooplankton. However, these signals are potentially vulnerable to changes in pH and it...