1,145 datasets found

Keywords: Other

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  • Ensemble Expressive Performance Dataset (EEP)

    The dataset contains 23 multimodal recordings of string quartet performance. Acquired data includes the audio of each performance in separate tracks: up to two ambient tracks...
  • Indian art music tonic datasets

    These datasets comprise audio excerpts and manually done annotations of the tonic pitch of the lead artist for each audio excerpt. Each excerpt is accompanied by its associated...
  • Carnatic varnam dataset

    Audio music content----- They feature 7 varnams in 7 raagas sung by 5 young professional singers who received training for more than 15 years. They are all set to Adi taala....
  • Turkish makam tonic test dataset v2

    This release contains annotated tonic frequencies of 1093 audio recordings in total. This release adds the test datasets consisting the annotated tonic frequencies of audio...
  • Comparative evaluation and combination of automatic rhythm description system...

    The dataset DatasetVocal contains 75 excerpts with highly predominant vocals in WAV format and has been used for beat tracking evaluation.
  • MARD: Multimodal Album Reviews Dataset

    - MARD contains texts and accompanying metadata originally obtained from a much larger dataset of Amazon customer reviews, which have been enriched with music metadata from...
  • SVGMap

    The aim of SVGMap is helping in the visualisation of experimental data which are associated with some graphical representation. Thus SVGMap browser allows to generate images...
  • jHeatmap

    Javascript library to create interactive heatmaps within webpages. jHeatmap is designed for incorporation into web portals and applications so it has the above listed extension...
  • Wok

    Wok is a workflow management system implemented in Python that makes very easy to structure the workflows, parallelize their execution and monitor its progress among other...
  • Onexus

    Onexus is a modular framework to manage the complete life cycle of data analyses. Data analyses follow these steps: analysis definition, analysis execution, results storing,...
  • Mutations Needle Plot (muts-needle-plot)

    A needle-plot (aka stem-plot or lollipop-plot) plots each data point as a big dot and adds a vertical line that makes it appear like a needle. Software: Javascript.
  • Gitools

    Gitools is a framework for analysis and visualization of multidimensional genomic data using interactive heat-maps. Software: Java 7+
  • Cancer bioMarkers database

    The cancer bioMarkers database is curated and maintained by several clinical and scientific experts in the field of precision oncology supported by the European Union’s Horizon...
  • Low-complexity regions in proteins as a source of evolutionary innovation [re...

    Dades primàries de la tesi “Low-complexity regions as a source of evolutionary innovation”/nde Núria Radó-Trilla http://hdl.handle.net/10803/113603 Capítol 1: Adaptive evolution...
  • Estudi lexicomètric del vocabulari del procés d'aprovació de l'Estatut d'Auto...

    Corpus d'anàlisi utilitzat en l'estudi lexicomètric de la tesi doctoral "Morales A. Estudi lexicomètric del vocabulari del procés d'aprovació de l'Estatut d'autonomia de...
  • Replication data for "Set on Competing: Contamination Effects and Parties’ En...

    D’acord amb les teories Duvergerianes a llarg termini només els partits polítics viables s’haurien de presentar en solitari a les eleccions, mentre que els partits no viables...
  • PANACEA Environment and Parole merged Italian Lexicon

    The Italian PAROLE_env_merged.lmf.xml is SCF lexicon obtained by merging two automatically extracted lexicons: a domain lexicon (environment) PANACEA_SCF_IT_environment.lmf.xml...
  • PANACEA Environment Multi Word Italian Lexicon

    The Environment MW Italian Lexicon is a lexicon of noun-noun multiword expressions automatically /nextracted from a 36Mio word web crawled corpus in the environmental domain....
  • PANACEA Environment and Repubblica merged Italian Lexicon

    The Italian PANACEA_rep_env_merged.lmf.xml is SCF lexicon obtained by merging two automatically extracted lexicons: a domain lexicon (environment)for SCFs,...
  • PANACEA Italian V-SUBCAT Repubblica lexicon (language independent extractor)

    This is a lexicon of verb subcategorisation frames automatically extracted from a 300Mio words newspaper corpus using a language independent SCF acquisition software. The...
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