Den västsvenska SOM-undersökningen 2018
The Regional Western Sweden SOM Survey has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998,... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2018
In the autumn of 2018, the third edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 5000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes... -
SOM-undersökningen i Värmland 2018
In 2018 the SOM Institute carried out the third SOM survey in the region of Värmland. Focus was on issues of public services, regional development and media habits. The survey... -
Den västsvenska SOM-undersökningen 2019
The Regional Western Sweden SOM Survey has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998,... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2019
In the autumn of 2019, the fourth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 5000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2020
In the autumn of 2020, the fifth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 8 000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes... -
Den västsvenska SOM-undersökningen 2020
The Regional Western Sweden SOM Survey has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998,... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2021
In the autumn of 2021, the sixth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 7000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes... -
Den västsvenska SOM-undersökningen 2021
The Regional Western Sweden SOM Survey has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998,... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2022
In the autumn of 2022, the seventh edition of the Gothenburg SOM Survey was conducted. A total of 9,000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about... -
Den västsvenska SOM-undersökningen 2022
The Regional Western Sweden SOM Survey has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998,... -
SOM-undersökningen i Värmland 2022
In 2022 the SOM Institute carried out the fourth SOM survey in the region of Värmland. Focus was on issues of public services, regional development and media habits. The survey... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Svensk valundersökning 1968
The 1968 election study is almost twice as big as the earlier election studies, largely because of the goal of the survey, which was to cover the system of representation. A... -
Kommunala valrörelser 1979 - Medborgarundersökningen
The second project started as a result of a decision of the Swedish Parliament taken in December 1978. The research program was designed by a government commission, the... -
Kommunala valrörelser 1979 - Femkommunsundersökningen
The second project started as a result of a decision of the Swedish Parliament taken in December 1978. The research program was designed by a government commission, the... -
Medievalundersökningen 1979 - Nyhetsanalysen
This study of the political contents in press, radio and television was carried out within the research projects 'Mass media and the electorate' and 'Swedish election campaign'... -
Medievalundersökningen folkomröstningen 1980 - Nyhetsanalysen
This is the second study of the political contents in press, radio and television within the research projects ´Mass media and the electorate´ and ´Swedish election campaign´... -
Medievalundersökningen 1982 - Nyhetsanalysen
This is the third study of the political contents in press, radio and television within the research projects ´Mass media and the electorate´ and ´Swedish election campaign´ and... -
Medievalundersökningen 1998
This is a detailed campaign survey of the news covering in press, radio, and television during the last four weeks before the election day. Surveys similar to this have been...