Abundance (raw counts) of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and dinoflagellate ...
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Raw pollen counts from peat core R1.00 of the Rybojady mire in western Poland
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Raw pollen counts from peat core L1.00 of the Pawki Ług mire in western Poland
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Raw pollen counts from sediment core KBS 2 of lake Jezioro Skorupiaki in west...
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Raw pollen counts from the combined sediment core (Wus 1, Wus 3) of lake Jezi...
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Maschnetzlauch
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Griessener Teich
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Holocene palynological data of sediment core LdlMo-13-02
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Pollen content of profile No 85/3 of gravel pit Northeim_SiteC
Sample 12 (Layer C): Pollen zone X (Late Subatlantic) Samples 10 and 11 (Layer B): Pollen zone IX (Early Subatlantic)Samples 8 and 9: Pollen zone VIII (Subboreal)Samples 5, 6... -
Pollen content of profile No 85/1 of gravel pit Northeim_PitB
The pollen spectra belong to Pollen zones V (Boreal) and VI (Atlantic) at least. -
Pollen content of profile No 84/3 of gravel pit Northeim_PitA
The pollen spectra belong to Pollen zones IV (Preboreal) to VIII (Subboreal). Radiocarbon age of peat (depth 1.39-1.45 m): Hv-13279: 9100+/- 220 BP; calibrated: 8286+/-314 calBC -
Percentage of pollen and spores in core STP18-03 (Miryang region, Korean peni...
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Pollen and spores count in core STP18-03 (Miryang region, Korean peninsula)
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Raw Pollen data from Lateglacial to late Holocene from sediment core MLC from...
Samples were prepared for pollen analysis as follows. A volume of 0.6 ml of each sample was prepared in seven steps following Moore et al. (1991): i) adding HCl, ii) sieving at... -
Pollen profile of sediment from the harbour of ancient Oiniadai (5th-3rd Cent...
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Pollen and spores record of sediment core ETO12_2-3
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Modern pollen data from moss and lichen polsters from the Canadian Arctic (19...
1 = pollen samples were only scanned and the presence of pollen noted (= present) -
Modern pollen data from Tauber and Tuffy samplers from the Canadian Arctic (1...
1 = pollen samples were only scanned and the presence of pollen noted (= present) -
Pollen profile PFr_82_6 at site Friesack 4
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(Fig. 3) Pollen profile Rud, Rudower See
analysed by Jörg Christiansen and Susanne Jahns