Priests in Central Europe (2000) (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The analysis illuminates the current challenges and changes in the priesthood in Central Europe. The focus is on the growing shortage of... -
How are you, pastor? (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The abuse debate has shaken the Catholic Church in many countries. It has not only tarnished the image of the church, but also affects... -
ORF survey on the Pope´s visit (2007) (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This data set is based on a representative survey conducted during Benedict XVI´s papal visit to Austria. The aim of the survey was to record... -
Pope Francis and reforms of the Church (2019) (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The long-term study ‘Religion in People's Lives’ has been conducted every ten years since 1970 and provides comprehensive data on the... -
ISSP-2007 and 2008 Austria: Leisure time, sports and religion (with supplemen...
Full edition for scientific use. Austrian population survey including ISSP-2007 "Leisure time and sports", ISSP-2008 "religion" and a module on spirituality. Probability:... -
A Composite Study of Xenophobia 1998
No abstract available Probability: Cluster: Stratified random Face-to-face interview -
Standardization and Validation of a Value Retention Test 2003
The newly developed "Österreichische Wertefrageben" (ÖWF; Austrian Value Questionnaire), which consists of five scales (intellectuality, harmony, religiosity, materialism and... -
European Social Survey 2002-Austria
The political institutions of the European Community and of single nations are facing new challenges and changes in the 21st century. The European Social Survey poses the... -
Omnibus Survey: Image of politicians, electoral behaviour and political Catho...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
European Social Survey 2008-Austria
The political institutions of the European Community and of single nations are facing new challenges and changes in the 21st century. The European Social Survey poses the... -
God in Nederland 1966
Religious attitudes / orthodoxy / pillarization - compartmentalization / confessionalism / conformism to church rules / tolerance / most important things in life / superstitions... -
Horizon Lezersonderzoek - 2005
Lezersonderzoek Horizon, tijdschrift van de Protestante Gemeenten Amsterdam en Amstelveen -
Youth Worship in Protestant Contexts. A Practical Theology Theory of Particip...
The area of interest in this practical theological research is the field of youth worship in Protestant contexts in the late modern society of the 21st century in the... -
Verwijzing naar de data van: International Social Survey Programme - ISSP
The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science... -
God in Nederland 2006
Vervolg longitudinaal onderzoek uit 1966, 1979, 1996 naar religie in Nederland, uitgevoerd in opdracht van de KRO.De vragenlijst bevat vragen over de volgende thema’s:- Waarden-... -
E.A. van Dooregeest en C.A. Posjager: Den Ryper Zee-Postil, Bestaende in XXII...
Den Ryper Zee-Postil, Bestaende in XXII. Predicatien toegepast op den Zeevaert, tot onderwijsinge, vermaninge en vertroostinge in de ware godsaligheyt voor allerley Zeevarende... -
God in Nederland 1979
Opinions of Dutch citizens about religion, church and clergy. Matters of religion / church and clergy / general issues contraceptives / apartheid / homosexuality / mixed... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2006
Grootschalig veldonderzoek onder de Nijmeegse bevolking, uitgevoerd door studenten sociologie en communicatiewetenschap van de Radboud Universiteit. -
Survey of Online Activity of Mosques in the Netherlands
The motivation of this study is to create a dataset that allows researchers to explore the online visibility and activities of all mosques and their (online) followers in the... -
LISS panel data - overview of available LISS Studies
The LISS panel has been founded by the CentERdata research institute in Tilburg, the Netherlands. Since 2007, the nearly 8.000 individuals in the panel complete various online...